Mom works in a furniture store. This counter stool was returned because it was damaged. It has a broken rung (look down). Because it had a broken rung, mom's boss said mom could take it home if she wanted. She wanted.

This is the rug. It is 8' x 11'. This was a customer return.

It was returned because the edge is unravelling. It is maybe an inch worth of unravelling.

So we got full credit and again, the boss said if mom wanted it, she could take it home. Mom did.
Mom didn't do any work on the back porch tonight because mom went and saw
Quantum of Solace. It was really good. Mom really enjoyed it. Funny thing, though. It was really violent and rated PG-13. I guess it was because there was no foul language. Brief nudity, but no foul language. Sure, it's okay for 13 year olds. Riiiiiight.
I love that rug! What a minor defect. I bought a great print in a beautiful frame at less than half price all because it has a tiny, quarter inch chip in the frame, you can't even see it! I love finds like the rug and stool!
Roxy,I think your Mom did well with the chair and the rug ;) .Both are fixable,knowing your Mom :) The room is coming together !!That rug would be nice to lay on.
Mom giggled and rolled her eyes about your Mom's comments on the movie. Brief nudity and violence is OK,but noy bad words :o Silly!!!!
I guess Mom's should decide the rating ;)
Purrs Mickey
Wow Roxy! You're mom did great! The "defect" in the rug was so small...people are so was hardly anything!
We agree that Moms should decide movie ratings...whoever is doing it now obviously doesn't know what they're doing!
The Pug Posse
Score! wow roxy! your mom got some great items for free no less!
wow! she is so cool!
her room is awesome!
m & e
What a great rug! SCORE! except ... we hope that your mom hid the side with the little unravelling because that looks like a challenge and temptation for a DOG (a nibbler, like Madison) to catch the thread and unravel the whole rug!
Your mum would get on well with my Cornish Auntie. She likes to rescue chairs, if she sees a broken chair somewhere she takes it home and fixes it all up and sands it and paints it and sometimes makes special seats for them. she's always on the lookout for a chair challenge!
Your mom did well, nice chair and lovely rug all for the price of dragging them home. The sewing room is looking cozier all the time.
Our sonbeans would like that movie, but they are well over 13 yrs. We have heard them talking about it.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
That is so cool - it's always great to get good stuff for nothing at all! Mom used to work for a food broker and could take home samples - what fun that was!
Even mine 'All Thumbs' mombean could fix that rug. It'd look goods in our 'partment too. We hates the cheap wall to wall we gots.
You's is lucky dawgs!!
My Mommy says thats a great rug! That is crazy how they let 13 year olds in to see that movie just because no foul language! BOL!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Lucky you! Little flaws is your big gain. Sweet!
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