He had five A's and two B +'s. He went from a C+ to a B+ in Science, a B+ to an A in Language Arts, and a B to an A in Social Studies. He did go down to a B+ from an A in Spanish, but mom really doesn't mind. She thinks he did great. He's on the Prinicpal's List and he had great comments about behaving very well in class.
Mom likes report cards like this.
Dad had the creepy crawly cruds, so Lucky and I had to keep him company all day yesterday. He enjoyed our support. Mom is SO praying she doesn't get it, AGAIN!
Good for Plus One! I hope that your dad gets to feeling better--it was good of you to rest with him
Way to go Plus One!! Those are some really good grades! Hope your dad feels better soon Roxy.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Great work, PlusOne!
Also, good luck to you guys for taking care of another patient!
concatulations Plus One! way to go!
Yay for plusone!! :)
Oh i hope your dad feels better quickly and my fingers are crossed for you mom to not get sick again!
Way to go Plus One! YAHOO
Good job Plus One. He deserves a treat!
benny & Lily
PlusOne good boy! He needs to get pig ear!
Congrats PlusOne. What fantastic grades!
That's awesome, PlusOne! Keep up the great work!
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