Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Look at this! It's a cookie jar, exactly like the cookie jar that got broken earlier this year (and mom and dad blamed me!)

Well, when Mr. Karate was cleaning out his stuff, he found it and offered it to Auntie. Who said "I know where that's going!"

If I break this one I am dead meat. Mom better not leave any chairs out as temptation to get on the counter is all I can say.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I am glad that problem is solved! Good for your Auntie!

Wilma said...

You better be careful Roxy. You are right though, if they offer you the temptation, they have no one to blame but themselves!

Minnie Moo said...


I was thinking about this and I think that it's actually the people's fault for leaving chairs out and stuff. You can't help it if things get in the way :) hehe


Minnie Moo

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