You would think that California would be sunny and warm, wouldn't you? But
Benny & Lily said it was in the 4o's and they wanted to come to Florida with us.

I can't find
Minnie Moo in the pile of pugs, but that could be because there is such a LARGE pile of pugs to look through. Or it could be because we let
Sammy drive and we're all trying to stay in one place.
I thought I would give
Angus a little preview of pug belleh, to warm him up for the road trip.

Hope you like it, Angus.
but hey, we gotted to California in like a day right? - Sammy
Pee Ess_ dramamine helps - Miles! I'm on FY-YAH!!!
Yep-I thought Angus would love that!
We posted about the road trip today...we are ready!!
Benny & Lily
Pee S. We hear the OP Pack wants to go too
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