Confession #1) A squillion days ago, Karen Jo from Kitty Limericks gave me this great award. Because, as she puts it "I am always a good friend." But mom has been so busy running around with stuff, that she forgot all about it. (Great going, mom.)

Confession #2) Now, when mom gets an award, she saves the photo and changes the name to who gave her the award. So this one would be pearl.jpg, because Pearl gave this to us.

But mom should add the DATE Pearl gave it to us, so that way she can check to see if she ever POSTED about it. Because mom can't remember if she did or not. Smooth move, mom! If we never said Thank you, Pearl, we're saying it now. Thank you, Pearl!
Confession #3) Mom has basically nothing to do all day since she is on vacation, yet she waits til 10:00 o'clock to do her blog. Mom, who is trying to go to bed early. PlusOne asked her why that was. Mom just looked at him. Sometimes that kid is too smart for his own good.
Have a great Thursday!