Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Three Or Four

Or five or six.
What are you talking about? What toilet paper where?

Oh, that toilet paper.

I don't know how it got there. Honest.

The Bruins swept the Canadiens to advance. Woo Hoo. (If only I still cared about hockey, lol.)
Oh yeah, it's Mr. Karate's birthday today. Go wish him a Happy Birthday!


The WriggleButts said...

Now we all know toilet paper has a will of its own ;)


Karen Jo said...

Roxy, I am sure that you are entirely innocent of any toilet paper mishaps. I love the picture of PlusOne and Lucky sharing a shirt.

Salinger The Pug said...

So cute...but we especially loved the Bruins pic!!!!! We're glad they won...but it was tough for mom with 2 Original 6 teams against each other...she loves them all!

I think a WINGS pic like that with Holden and S-Dog is in order!!!

Happy Thursday!


The Meezers or Billy said...

mommy seems to wonder why there is ushually a roll of toilet paper waiting for her at the front door when she gets home from werk. we is really just trying to be helpful

Archie and Melissa said...

hi roxy!
oh what great pictures!
happy birthday mr. karate!

m & e

Rosie said...

BOL - Us pugs sure love toilet paper - usually I get caught because a piece gets caught in my lip.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie

Kelly said...

I can tell you firsthand, that I have seen toilet paper just up and WALK out of the bathroom. Happens here all the time, and Momma blames me. Hmph.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that toilet paper gets wiley, doesn't it, Roxy?? Winston is always getting "caught" with some crazed piece of toilet paper that followed him all the way back to his bed.

Mr. Karate and Winston have the same birthday!!!!

Milton said...

We don't mention T-P in this house.....

I hopes Plusone didn't have a boo-boo on his foot! Err... why'd he have on just one sock?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. Karate!

I can't believe what others will do with toilet paper and then blame it on you...

Anonymous said...

My poor dad will be very upset with that.. oh well Canucks Swept the Blues! YAY!!!!

Haha love the toilet paper....

Lois Lane/Laney said...

BOL! You guys crack me up!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Birthday Mr Karate!

And,,, do all pugs have toilet paper additions?

Zeus said...

Don't let the humans trick you into believing its your fault that the toilet paper is everywhere. Stay strong against their manipulations! They should not leave their toiletries about as temptation!

Nevis said...

Awesome photos! My pugs don't seem too keen on TP, but they LOOOOVE dryer sheets. I don't even know where they find them, but they'll come running in the room with them in their mouths like trophies! I always take them away though. Silly puggies!

HAPPY HAPPY Mr. Karate!!!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Our dad is pretty broken up about Montreal losing but we love your Pug Bruins shirt. hee hee

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy