We let mom sleep late yesterday morning. She didn't get out of bed til after 9:30am! We were good dogs.

Mom then climbed in the bathtub for a nice hot soak. Her knees and hips were sore. She was walking really slow. She felt much better after that. Of course, her arms are sore, from the push-ups, so no heavy lifting for her. It's a good thing Lucky and I don't weigh a lot. She sat in her chair in the sun and read a good portion of the day. (
Fortune and Fate, by Sharon Shinn, one of her favorite authors. She was very happy to see Senneth and Tayse were in it.)
I sat on her lap during most of it and when I wasn't in her lap, Lucky was. Just call us the tag team duo!
Anyway, I wish I could tell you mom aced the test, but the studio director threw a curve. He asked for four techniques that people hadn't practiced (except you're supposed to be practicing all of your techniques.) Mom did three correctly and one incorrectly, but she did something (with confidence) as opposed to some of the students, who did nothing or froze. So we'll see what happens. Saturday isn't that far away.
I hope she passes and does well! And that you keep making her feel better after the test!
Your Mom slept really late for her. You two are taking really good care of her. I hope that she gets a good grade on her tests. If the students are supposed to be practicing all of their forms, how did the instructor know which ones they hadn't been practicing?
Good job letting mom sleep in!
Lots of Licks,
Oak and Swish
we letted our the mom sleep until, um 7!
Hi girls! Good job letting your mom sleep in! She deserves the rest.
I hope the instructor was impressed by your mom's efforts on those 4 tricky techniques. I sure am... if only that mattered! :)
Glad to hear momma feels a bit better. Now she will be set for more walkies
Benny & lily
Roxy, you & Lucky were most kind to help your Mom sleep in a bit :) It's good that you are both light too, heeheehee
We purr that your Mom passes 'cause she is pretty pawsome :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
What nice doggies that you let your mom sleep!!
We're glad your mom's test is over, but that studio director is tricky! It's good that she has you guys to help her sore muscles feel better.
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