1) First off, no one will believe that this cute, sedate dog

did this...

2) Or that this handsome boy

would look for food in the garbage can, when all he has to do is open the cupboard, and eat all the rice krispy treats.
3) Which leads to the only other option being this...

but since we have no cats because mom is allergic to them and I refuse to blame
this cat
even though she told me I could, because she gets blamed for everything, there really is only one option.
We have GHOSTS in our house!
I can think of one other option, but I won't mention it for diplomatic reasons. It could very well be a poltergeist.
I think perhaps you do have ghosts. It is far better than it being me... :)!
Goats? I've never seen goats in the house. Or even the yard...
Well that's one way of saying it.
But I don't think Monty would make a mess like that. His slobberhound might, though.
We agree!
GHOSTS! Yeah...that's the ticket!!!!
We KNEW it wasn't you Roxy!
Well, that makes perfect sense.
Roxy, I knew you'd come up with a plan!!
If the ghost theory doesn't pan out, I was going to suggest a VERY localized earthquake. Right under the trash can. Yep. Those happen!
lol roxy!
oh yes! that's it! it is totlaly ghosts! it is october today! you are a genius! tell you mom the mystery is solved!
Poor maligned Roxy!!!
Yeah, yeah, ghosts done it! Definitely!
it was probably Billy. he's a garbage mongrel.
Haha it must have been the boy.. :) or spiders... you have spiders that eat garbage! yea.. that's it.
It's October, totally has to be the ghosts!!! There is no other explanation that makes sense.
Yes, yes, that's it! The ghosts are trying to send a message.....send food.....
Uh oh...
But - I suppose you're now nicely prepared for Halloween!
Who ya goin' call? Ghostbusters! I knew you were innocent Roxy. Good luck with the ghosts!
Stubby xoxo
Yup,ghosts!!! After all,Halloween is coming and they heed a place to operate from,right?
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I dunno if callin' the Ghostbusters will help.
BOL! I'm going to have to remember that one!
Your pal,
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