Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tattle Tale Tuesday

This has been mom's wastebasket for the last 30 something years. (Can you tell?) Mom's older brother (the photographer) gave it to her when she was a young teenager because mom used to suck her thumb and always went everywhere with her blanket. (Mom called it her nu-nu.)

Well, mom stepped on it one too many times and it is now going to that great garbage space in the sky, Rest in peace.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that is very sad. After all it's such a great garbage can. Why did she keep stepping on it?

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh...are you really going to throw it away???
Can't you make something out of it!

Jeanne said...

Oh too bad, what a great story and what a great basket. Jeanne

Fred said...

That is an awesome garbage can!!! We love Snoopy and all his pals!

meemsnyc said...

oh no, you can't get rid of that garbage can! It's awesome!