Hi. Mom here. A little over one year ago, four terrible young men broke into a home and brutally murdered the mother and nearly killed the daughter. The eleven year old girl received her black belt from my favorite guest instructor (a student of my studio owner). The trial for one of the men started this week. I am having a hard time
reading about the trial and not wishing this young man dead or burning in Hades for all eternity. You might say, don't read it, but I need to read it, if for no other reason than to support this family. I can't sit around and wait for a verdict, even though I am pretty sure what the verdict will be. I am astounded by the cold blooded, heartless attack, the brutality of it, and the courage with which both mother and daughter fought. It is hard to be light hearted when you are faced with this type of evil.
Tell your family members what is in your heart, that you love them and how much they mean to you. Lock your doors, put sensor lights up and praise your pug every time they bark at someone coming into your house. Be thankful for what you have and pray that you never have to face this type of situation. You never know what the day or the night brings, just hope you have the strength to face whatever comes your way.
Thanks for letting me vent. Here's a cutie to look at. Hope she makes you smile.
It is so hard thinking how bad people can be! How life as we know it can be changed in the blink of an eye. I pray for strength for you to do what you have to do to get through it all and pray especially for the dear little girl and what she went through.....
And remember that for everyone that evil, there is someone out there who is that compassionate and kind. It is a dark place you must--take the pugs. They'll remind you that the world isn't all bad. Our thoughts in this difficult time.
I can't help being sad for a world where we have to lock our doors. But dream and reality really are two separate things, huh.. We hope for strength and comfort for everyone who was affected, and especially for the girl.
Ane & boys
I agree. The clock radio wakes me up every morning with the news and what's on the news is details of the trial. It's tough to hear at any hour of the day. Those brutal young men were the worst kind of evil. Like you, the girl and her dad are in my prayers.
I often have to wonder what is wrong with people and how they could do such horrendous things to other living things!
I think the best thing to do is pray for the family throughout the trial as it must be horrible for them to relive this tragic event.
Cindy (Yoda & Brutus' Mom)
what an awful thing to happen, and then to have the family relive it over again during the trial. my heart goes out to them.
I read that article and it made me sick.
I think I remember you posting about this when it happened. My heart breaks for that mother who is not here to advocate for herself and her daughter while these monsters are on trial. I am hopeful that the system will bring justice to this poor family, if you can even call it justice.
I'm sorry that this hit so close to home for you. I don't understand people. :(
So sorry that happened to your friends. It must be horrible for the daughter to live with the memories and now a trial. We understand your anger! Purrs and tail wags for all.
It's your anger that will cause you to be more vigilant. It's your compassion for the family that will cause you to show compassion to others.
If you weren't angry and sad and sick to your stomach over this, you would be cold and heartless. Sharing this story with your readers will encourage us all to hug our pugs tighter, tell our families we love them and live life to its fullest.
I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. I struggle with wishing ill on the woman who hit Walter. she still thunders through our neighborhood in the same Lexus SUV she hit him with.
This is NOTHING compared to the story you've told and actually helps me put into perspective what a truly BAD person is. I don't know how to make sense of evil, except to shine light on it. While one person hit Walter, hundreds came to his aid - and I'm hoping that while four terrible men attacked that family, many many more rushed to help them.
I'll cast my vote with those who suggest NOT reading the news. It'll just churn you up.Feed your anger. Maybe you could support them by cooking dinners for them? Raking their lawn? All the odd bits that go to hell during a crisis.
Sorry my words seem so inadequate. I feel deeply for you and Walter and I are sending you a big moonbeam of light, love and hugs. We will also be extra careful. Thank you for the reminder.
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