Mom needed a good laugh, so I decided to post Thirteen Silly photos. Enjoy
1) How did that toilet paper get there?
2) Yes, the bone IS in her mouth.

3) Ninja Lucky. AS IF!

4) Popcorn. YUMMY!


6) Come to me, broccoli.

7) Extra baggage.

8) Yes, that is mom's chest I am standing on.

9) Hey, whazzup? Or down.

10) Don't ask me how she got up there. Or what she's doing there.

11) How do we get down?

12) She's mine, MINE I tell you.

13) I'm too tired to care where my head goes.
Your silly photos gave me a good laugh, too.
Roxy,those were great!!! They even made Mom laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We really likes your broccoli face :) hahahahahahahaha!!
Purrs Mickey
They are so cute and look like best friends!!
LOL I laughed at all of those!!!
Funny post! I do #8 on top of mom's face and head.
Oh how could anyone fail to be cheered by such wonderful photos! You two are so cute! I need a pug to chase!
Harley likes the cool Ninja hood!
Wonderful photos!!! #12 was my fav. :)
You're all so cute - BUT Roxy, she's *mine!!! ;-)
Soooo funny!
Hi Roxy!
Those are some cute and funny pics! Thanks for making us smile!
:) Tibby
hehehe, those are GREAT, Roxy.
Thanks for posting such fun photos.
Ms. P and Cinza
Those were such great photos. Especially the ninja one!
Haha, how wonderfully silly! Great selection of photos ;o)
Slobbers xx
hi roxy and lucky!
great post!
i will miss you while i am gone next week.
Love the pictures!!
Roxy, you look like you just poooouuuuurred out of your bed in that last molasses!
However did you get up on the kitchen counter? THOSE ARE COOL LOOKIN' CABINET FRONTS!
Ow! Ow-Ow! (walkin' on mom's chest)Ow!
Those photos are too funny!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
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