Or, you can jump up on a chair, and then jump up on the counter. Make sure there is something worthwhile on the counter though. In this instance there was leftover spaghetti sauce with meatballs and spare ribs. Yum!
DO avoid the gratuitous YUM look. This does nothing to help your cause when you are discovered on the counter. Try and look innocent. It personally doesn't work for me (mom knows better) but you can try.

Hi Roxy! Mom would kill me if I was on a table, a chair, or the counter. As much as I would love to eat all the goodies I could find on these things, I cannot do it.
Your technique is very good and you're lucky that your mom doesn't mind your antics.
Stubby xoxo
I hope up look happy and then run like heck after hopping down. I know that's hard for you but it's SO satisfying!
You need someone to teach you lesson 4, Roxy. How to Get Down from the Table or Counter. I look forward to learning how you deal with child-proof locks.
We took some good notes, thank for all the tips. We aren't that good at looking innocent either, we'll see how it goes.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
You have to love an opportunist!
Sweetheart, it doesn't help your innocent look much if you're lickin' your chops!
Thanks for those tips Roxy - I am going to try them right away!
Oh Mistress Roxy!!! We are so blessed to have you as our teacher. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and experience!!!
LMAO! Oh, Roxy, I love the "YUMMY" look on your face in the last photo. You're such a stinker!
I have a question about the 2nd picture. Do you have to push the chair over by the counter all by yourself or do you just have to wait for someone to leave one close by? Roxy, I am taking notes. I can not wait for next week's lesson. Baby locks are my nemesis.
Your pal,
Roxy, you are a bad, bad girl. Very, very, very bad. It's one of the things I admire most about you.
Howard Pee
Ooh! Ooh! I had the same question as The Furry Kids! What happens if all your chairs are not close to the tables or counters???
Roxy....you are SUCH a GREAT TEACHER!!! Can't wait until next week's lessons!!
PeeEss...My Mama said that she loves the cabinets!!! Did your Mama do that herself???
Thanks for the lesson!
Roxy, you are just "teh awesome"!
You're one talented gal, Roxy!
Too funny! You are indeed a talented pug -- look at that awesome mess on the floor . . .
Good job, Roxy, honey.
Last night I jumped up on the patio table and stole one o' mom's pizza rolls. (She don't need to be eatin' that greasy junk anyway.)
Roxy ... Did you get in trouble or what?
Roxy...nice work. we have not had the opportunity to climb yet, but you're given' me ideas. more importantly, mom NEEDS to know who and how those cabinets got painted - they're amazing. whatever that means....
Gen and Fuji
Damn, girl.
Ohh Devil Dog you have given me some naughty ideas!!!
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