he had made another with a crumble top. Which came home with mom and dad. Mr. Karate was psyched about that. Memere thinks it would be funny if PlusOne were to turn into a chef. Mom says she can see them introducing him on Top Chef as the Karate Kicking Chef. Using his hands instead of knives. lol
The incredible life of me, Roxy Dragon Pebbles, otherwise known as The Devil Dog and my new sister, Juliet, and my new brother, Loopy. I have no idea what I did to deserve that name! Honest! Just because I'm a black dog doesn't mean I'm naughty dog.
Friday, August 28, 2009
PlusOne Makes Dinner
PlusOne made dinner for everyone last night. He set the table, color coordinating all the plates and bowls (memere has fiesta ware). He set out the cheese and crackers that pepere COULDN'T touch until mom (the birthday girl) arrived.
Memere said he was very decisive about what could and could not go into any dish. He made the salad, with fresh mushrooms because mom likes them, and he didn't let memere put onions in the American Chop Suey because they don't agree with dad.
There wasn't much left of the American Chop Suey.
He made an apple pie, he really wanted strawberries and chocolate dipping sauce, but memere had to remind him that he was on a budget. There wasn't much left. PlusOne magnanimously decided to give memere the leftover pie because.....

he had made another with a crumble top. Which came home with mom and dad. Mr. Karate was psyched about that. Memere thinks it would be funny if PlusOne were to turn into a chef. Mom says she can see them introducing him on Top Chef as the Karate Kicking Chef. Using his hands instead of knives. lol
he had made another with a crumble top. Which came home with mom and dad. Mr. Karate was psyched about that. Memere thinks it would be funny if PlusOne were to turn into a chef. Mom says she can see them introducing him on Top Chef as the Karate Kicking Chef. Using his hands instead of knives. lol
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Oh what a fantastic dinner he made for your humans!
what a sweetheart! that is a really special son you have. that sounds like a great party.
PlusOne is a really good cook. I also think it would be great if he became a chef. I can just see him as the Karate Kicking Chef.
PlusOne is so cute!! Sounds like he really made a special evening.
Happy belated Barkday, Roxy's mama!
VERY nice Plus One!!!! That looks like a yummy dinner!
We would totally come to your restaurant when/if you open one...can you save some plain noodles for me when you make the American Chop Suey? Thanks!
it was so good!
Between Holden (Salinger's human brother) & PlusOne, we've got a corner on the pug-blogging-son chef market! If I ever have a son, I want him to be just like yours! :)
btw, the pie looks FABulous. Recipe!!!
PlusOne is awesome! What a sweet gesture for your mom!!!!!!
That looks yummy! Could you maybe send him over to our house to cook? Mom is um, kitchenally challenged. BOL
Happy weekend!
Your pal,
Way to go, PlusOne! We always watch Top Chef and are so impressed with the creativity and skill of the chefs.
Very nice birthday present for his Mom...
Go Plus One!!
very very awesome PlusOne!!!
Oh, our the mom has Fiesta Ware too!! In about 10 different colors!! and she wants MORE. ::SIGH::
He could be called "One-a-moto" and walk out of the mist hands flashing-the a "Hi-yah!" at the ingredient of the day.
Those foods look pretty good-Happy birthday to your mom!
What a sweet son! :)
And that pie looks fabulous!
oh you have the best kid in the world!
he is such a talented and caring person just like his mom!
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