A very young dad met a very young mom.

Seven years ago yesterday my sister Lucky was born. Happy Birthday, Lucky.

Even though I tease you, I really wouldn't want to live without you. (Life would be so boring without you to blame for all my antics. tee
Happy Birthday Lucky! And happy meeting anniversary to your people! I think this calls for a celebration. Can you have a ham for me?
Lots to celebrate!! xoxo
That's one of Mom's favorite pictures of your parents.
What a great picture of your pawrents!! Happy Birthday to Lucky :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Roxy! Your parents look so young in that picture! It's great that they are still going strong after 25 years.
Happy belated birthday to Lucky! I know you love your sister and couldn't live without her.
Stubby xoxo
Happy 'lated barkday Lucky!!
that's a great pikshur of your 'rents!
Happy birthday to Lucky and happy anniversary to your parents! (it was our parents 18th yesterday too!).
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Hi Roxy, Lucky, mommy, daddy and Plus One,
What a sweeeeet picture! Congratulations on youe parents anniversary! And happy birthday to Lucky, she is such a good sister.
We apologize for not commenting for so long, we try to keep reading blogs, sometimes it takes a little longer than we wished. Mommy barely sleeps with baby sister!
Many many hugs for all of you at home!
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