This is our backyard. As you can see in this photo, dad had shoveled some of it, but not nearly enough for Lucky and I to even WANT to go outside. Lucky and I are fortunate compared to
Wilma, who got walloped with 30" of snow. Hey Wilma, you can keep the extra snow, we have plenty here.
We saw all the snow Wilma had! That is way too much!
We are purrty sure we would hold it in
Benny & Lily
We are confused by the speed limit signs in the backyard. Is that for the person shoveling or you and Lucky running around?????
Nice poop loop Roxy!
This is the scene I was talking about. I play in the snow with my kids and rabbits and it is so much fun really. But it also makes me miss gardening. I have a vegetable garden at our backyard where I grow vegetables for salad and lettuce to for my rabbits. Every harvest time I free my rabbits from their rabbit hutches and let them harvest the lettuce.
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