See this picture of the boy? Doesn't he look so cute and darling, sleeping so innocently?

Well, this afternoon mom received a phone call from the afterschool program director. Uh-oh mom thought, what's wrong. Turns out, the boy is not feeling well. In fact, he is sitting there, like a lump, not doing much of anything, not even talking! Sitting, like a lump, not doing anything, or talking? The boy is SICK! Mom left work right away and when she got to school, she was told he had just thrown up three or four times. Uh-oh! And he looked sick, too. He was real pale, he had dark circles under his eyes and mom said he was hot, and not a good hot. He laid down on the sofa and didn't like it when I tried to climb on him. He got sick several more times. He even missed his karate class.
Mom went to class, because, of course, we are expecting more snow. It's Friday, we must have more snow. We haven't had any for a whole week, can't have that now, can we. So mom went to class and when she came back he hadn't thrown up for over two hours. So mom sat on the couch with him and cuddled him up close to her and he fell sound asleep.
Mom hopes he feels better for tomorrow, the last day of school before his vacation, mainly because he looked so pathetic, it made her heart break to see him so sick.
Next week, mom and
Auntie are going to work on their project for the
Meezers. You can read all about it at
Auntie's. Millie is having a very hard time getting information out of Auntie (hee hee) but I'll be happy to tell you that we are making a ...
ROXY!Uh, never mind. Go read all about it at Millie's. Bye!