Friday's Fifteen Fabulous Fotos

1) Happy colors

2) Little puggy

3) Full of tinsel

4) Wooden Santa

5) The Nutcracker

6) Spindly

7) Great balls of fire

8) Pretty red

9) Star

10) Clustered ornaments by PlusOne

11) Bobble head Pug

12) Crescent Santa

13) Interesting

14) Yes, PlusOne put stormtroopers in the tree.
15) You think he needs new pants ma? They're certainly SHORT enough! I know, I know, he grew while you weren't looking.
Those are some great ornaments! Plusone either needs some new pants or some longer socks! Kids grow too fast!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
what great photos!
i do not think i told you today, but i love your family!
great fotos! And I think Plus One may be getting some new dress pants for Christmas, eh?
I love the wooden Santa!!
Isn't it crazy how fast kids grow? PlusOne sure is a cutie, though!
Great Friday Fifteen! Your tree looks beautiful! And PlusOne is so cute - short pants and all!
Love Clover xo
Love the ornaments!
Good thing Cinza is sleeping or she'd whap all your beautiful ornaments.
Ms. P
My favorite is the wooden Santa, too!
Oh we like those ornaments. We are especially fond of the Christmas pug. We have golf bags and skiers and the Space Shuttle and the Starship Enterprise on the tree...
Love the storm trooper ornament! And maybe Plusone needs socks for christmas, black ones! lol
those are beautiful ornaments! plus one is so cool, putting storm troopers in the tree, is there a battle scene in there?
What pretty ornaments!! Beautiful tree!
OOOHHH What a pretty tree!
Poor Plus One! Don't worry...Holden has the same issue all the time. I really need to stop sprinkling Miracle Gro on his cereal!!!
Pretty ornaments!!! We like #8 Pretty Red!!
Maybe PlusOne can throw a party and invite his pants down!!!!!! ;)
Purrs :)
Your tree and ornaments are so pretty! Love the cello shot! LOL
I am jealous of your pretty ornaments! I NEED a big tree already!
Oh my, those flood pants made H-Mom all nostalgic about when the Architect was just a budding teenager. Can you believe that he is 6'8" now? We had lots and lots and lots of pants go too short too fast! Long black socks are a great idea. Or stormtrooper boots (which also be in the theme of the tree, hehehehehe)
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