2) What are you looking at?

3) Let me sleep, please.

4) Who are you?

5) The official portrait.

11) Life father, like son, like grandfather
12) Don't I remind you of a dog sticking his head out the window?
13) Okay, okay, you caught me, I'll tell the truth...
The truth is mom was tired and had no clue what to do, so I let her post PlusOne photos. Aren't I a good doggie?
You are a very good doggie, Roxy. I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures of PlusOne. I have a photo of my brother that looks very much like PlusOne's official portrait.
Awe, too cute!
Roxy, you ARE a good puggerwugger, sharing your blogspace with PlusOne and being all generous. We hope you have a wonderful christmas cutey.
love and hugs from Texas!
Roxy you are such a sweetie. How nice of you. Surely you made a deal and got something in return?
Awww, what a sweet post!!!! Nicely done!
To answer your question...I think Holden and Plus One might be the only two kids in the world that aren't all nosey about their Christmas presents! Holden hasn't said anything and has also walked right past the Amazon boxes without even looking at them! We thought it was weird, but we feel better knowing that he's not the only one.
Kisses and tummy rubs to you and Lucky! You are the cutest Puggies!
Happy Thursday!
S-Dog and his peeps
Always fun to see Plus One pics!
Always fun to see Plus One pics!
what a perfect thursday 13!
m & e
Ohmigoodness - seeing Plus one with Bridget on the couch and in the bed - HOW SWEET! What good guardian dogs these puggies are. And how fortunte Plus One is to have grown up with them. Kids that grow up with animals are different (aka - better) ;-)
Those were great!
Aww...PlusOne is such a cutie!
p.s. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers and well wishes you've given us over the past few days - it means a lot to us to have that kind of support. We really appreciate you guys.
PlusOne is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing his pics with us!
Someone forgot his FUR! People babies are just so naked, aren't they? Wonderful photos ... what a handsome boy.
You are a good doggie for sure!We enjoyed the pictures of PlusOne very much. Thanks for sharing them.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Ol' PlusOne was a cute little baby ... I'll bet that he's glad to be so grown up, huh?
PlusOne was such a cutie. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Ms. P and Cinza
wow, a trip down memory lane =)
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