I successfully pinned mom down in the recliner for most of the day yesterday, forcing her to read and cuddle with Lucky and me. She did get on the treadmill for 1/2 hour, and she did do some dishes and some laundry, but overall, I would say that I WON and mom relaxed.
Yes, I am The Pug. You know it, oh yes you do!
Good for you guys! Humans need to stop and rest and give us a place to sit!
Good going, Roxy. You Mom needs to sit still once in a while and you need the lap and petting time.
Hey Roxy....I hope you & Lucky let your Mom up to get herself some BREAD!! Bet she toasted it so the smell and the crunching drove you crazy, that's what our wicked Mum does!
Slobbers xx
We continue to be amazed at how difficult it is to convince our Mom to just relax and have an Easy Sunday. You know what? She hardly ever takes a nap either!
sounds like a great weekend roxy!
what a cute face! who could resist your powers of persuation.
m & e
Roxy, I just got caught up on your pawesome Christmas! So glad you convinced Momma to have some down-time with you!
Wow ... You 2 are very cute! I bet you both get lots of head kisses & belly rubs.
The Whippy Curly Tails
It sounds like you won and your mom won, too!
Roxy...how could anyone resist your cuddles?
Way to go Roxy! Even when I sit on Mom's lap in front of the computer, I can tell she's thinking of all the things she needs to be doing.
You did your Mom a big favour. She's lucky to have you looking after her.
Ms. P
P.S. We've been mostly offline the last few days except for posting on our blog, so please excuse our being late with our holiday wishes. We hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!!
Ms. P, Cinza, Mom and Dad
Good job, Roxy ... It's important to force our will on our 'beans when they just won't listen to reason. Rest is GOOD.
Thats what I'm talking about Roxy! Sometimes my Mommy has to force my Daddy to GET UP off the game & relax with me & her!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Tell me how you did it! Moms been walking around and staring into this box thing. I will try some ideas.
You go girl! Sometimes we pugs know what is best for our humans.
Hi Roxy!
I saw you on DWB and wanted to stop in and say hello! Good job getting your mom to relax!
That's fantastic, Roxy - good for you & Lucky! Your mom needed some rest and cuddling time! :)
Roxy and Lucky, your video is so funny! We didn't know you liked green beans, but we saw you both in action, not a green bean left. Your Mom will have to be faster at letting go of the beans next time,ha. We saw your Christmas pictures. Plus One looked so happy! We like lego, but we tend to bat them around, we're not into building wif them. Mom was drooling over your mom's loaves of yummy bread, she sure is lucky auntie bean likes to bake.
Hugs and purrs,
Mindy, Moe, Bono
How could she resist that cute little face?????
Purrs Mickey
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