Friday, January 30, 2009

Fabulous Friday

We discovered a new blog. Rosie Marie Plus Three. And she was kind enough to give me this award.
It represents the blogs that truly love someone or something. It's a ladybug and they are known for giving us luck whenever we see one.

I am supposed to pass this on to Five other blogs, but you know mom. You know how much she loves, well, all of you. So I give it to you all! Because I am cute and generous and because my mom told me to. hee hee


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your award.

meemsnyc said...

Hooray for the award!

Kelly said...

What a nice award! I am on my way over to meet Rosie!!!

Punchbugpug said...

Yikes check out my blog for award "info"!

castle diva said...

Congratulations on your award. You deserve it!!

By the way, those puppy pictures were just the thing for a cold, grey January day. They put a smile on our servant's face!

Have a lovely weekend!!

Ms P and Cinza

Archie and Melissa said...

hi roxy and lucky and family!
happy friday and congratulations on your award!
melissa and emmitt

Nevis said...

I just realized it...are those ladybugs humping in the photo??

Salinger The Pug said...

We kept the humping ladybugs! It totally suits me...and it makes mom laugh!

Happy Friday and congratulations!


Eduardo said...

Hey sweet girl(& fam) Just found out that that award is actually something very nasty. Most bloggers have already deleted it. If you follow the link(I don't suggest you do) It goes to a very aweful site(porn), so the award represents their blog. It's not actually an award! Please warn fellow bloggers! It's like putting a badge on your blog.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA we are laughing about the award. H-Mom THOUGHT that those ladybugs were making more ladybugs and now that we read Eduardo's comment we are cracking up. Let the awardee beware should be a new saying ... what a funny thing and what a sneaky way to promote your porn site ...

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Congrats on the award girls :o) We do that too, it's the best way when you can't choose....but oh no....we have just read Eduardo's comment too....aaargh, we have that award! I did think it looked like the ladybugs were fornicating, haha, but then thought...surely not!!
Slobbers xx