We got more snow. Eight inches more snow, to be precise. Yuk! PlusOne's cello recital was rescheduled for next Sunday.

This neighbor's snow blower died. He was trying to do his driveway with a leaf blower. He was bumming until Dad went over and helped him out. They love dad now.

I was sleeping in my normal spot and I knocked a pillow over onto Lucky.

She never noticed.

She didn't move, or flinch or anything. She just kept on sleeping. Isn't she silly?
Eight inches more snow? Yikes! I am glad that your Dad was able to help out your neighbor. I hope you and Lucky can do your business very quickly, so you don't have to stay out long. Lucky is a very sound sleeper.
Heehee, that's cute she didn't notice....wish I could sleep as deeply as that!
How are your Mom's knees...recovered? BOL!
Slobbers xx
Wow! That's a lot of snow!!
Man that's quite a bit of snow. I hope you all don't get lost!
Mom says that when she lived in the dorms she once "accidentally" kicked her roommate in the middle of the night and her roommate just kept right on snoring as loud as a drunk hippo with a sinus problem.
Sorry that you all are getting so much snow! You should come and visit us in Colorado - it is 60 degrees again today!
Jemima Jones Beck
Oh wow! Most of our snow is gone now, what is left is rock hard and super sharp.
That happens to Gus and Indy sometimes, nothing will wake them up!
Lucky is very silly! And a heavy sleeper!
wow, that's a lot of snow!!!! yikes!!
OMD Roxy!! That is SO much snow!! We haven't seen a SINGLE flake all winter. :(
Lucky sure is focused on sleeping! I am like that, too. Mom says I'd sleep through a tornado (which we actually get quite a few of!)
That's A LOT of snow. It's still snowing here...
Lucky sure is a sound sleeper. Cinza is like that, too.
Ms. P
Hi Roxy!
You gots a LOT of snow! They said we were gonna get 6 more inches of snow at my house but it never came! I was soo HAPPY! I hope maybe the weather man listen to me and send it to my husky friends! Lucky is silly! She must have been in a deep sleep, dreaming about spring!
hi roxy!
oh you and lucky look so comfy. she was sound asleep during that storm!
smart puggies!
stay warm!
m & e
Gee!!! Lucky must be really tired!!!
It's nice that the neighbours like your Dad!! Maybe they will pay him in doggie treats!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Wowsie that sure is a lot of snow. Keep warm and dry inside, and we hope you are all snug and safe.
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