The incredible life of me, Roxy Dragon Pebbles, otherwise known as The Devil Dog and my new sister, Juliet, and my new brother, Loopy. I have no idea what I did to deserve that name! Honest! Just because I'm a black dog doesn't mean I'm naughty dog.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Keeping Mom Company
Monday, March 30, 2009
Fun, huh?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Lucky Takes A Walk - ALONE

Lucky decided to explore. PlusOne noticed we weren't in the backyard and asked mom if she had us. Mom said no! PlusOne found me close to the house, in the bushes. When mom called, I came running. But Lucky was nowhere in sight. Mom called for dad and the hunt began.
Mom, dad and PlusOne went in three different directions. PlusOne told mom it had been maybe two or three minutes before he noticed we were gone. Mom figured it was more like five or ten.
Mom was just telling dad that when he saw Lucky in the neighbor's bushes. When she saw Dad, she walked over to him and sat down at his feet. Mom and PlusOne were very relieved.
To give you an idea of how far Lucky went, she was about sixty feet east, and about sixty feet north of the backyard.
Silly dog! Oh yeah, mom fixed the gate latch.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Silly Dad
Friday, March 27, 2009
Fabulous Friday
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday Thirteen
Anyway, here are Thirteen Things to remember when you have to teach a class. All by yourself. For the very first time.
1) Be calm and BREATHE!
2) Short answers are best, unless it is a really good question and then you share the question and answer with the entire class.
4) Teach to the lowest denomination.
5) Be aware of time.
6) Repetition and motion over speeches.
7) Run the form with them, do not leave them on their own.
8) Teach them the pace of the form.
9) Use the correct terminology.
10) You cannot help one student and keep the others idle.
11) The ENTIRE class is your responsibility.
12) When you are done with the talk, if it sounded good, then shutting up is okay. You do not need to keep repeating yourself.
13) RELAX!
Phew. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Mom needs to remember these for the next time. So she thought maybe she could share with you. If any of you are teachers, she would love any advice you have to offer.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Working With Eduardo

PlusOne received this toy from his cousin without the instructions. A quick email to Lego & voila! 137 squillion pages of instructions.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Snow Squall Sunday
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Selvage Sunday

Then they watched Top Gear. One episode was about Communist cars, which apparently were and are still terrible, and the really thorough road test for the Ford Fiesta (this was hysterical). In the other episode the Top Gear crew go "caravaning" (this is even more hysterical). Mom thought of Pug Possessed on this one, because they have a camper and use it all summer. Unfortunately, the Top Gear crew are not very good at caravaning. They are, however, very good at starting fires.
Suffice to say, that everyone had a good time. Except for me. No chicken, no green beans and what do I care about selvages. Hmmmph!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm Fabulous

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday Thirteen
3) The sunbeams are warming up.
4) And coming more often.
5) PlusOne isn't wearing his boots to school anymore.
6) Dad isn't wearing long johns to work anymore.
7) Auntie is having her "When when" contest.
8) We have been going for more walks lately.
9) Mom is dragging out the rug sucking monster everywhere.
10) Mom is picking up and cleaning up and throwing out like she's in a frenzy.
11) Mom is mentioning the dreaded "B" word (bath).
12) Mom is seeing posts of flowers more often.
13) Poppy Q is talking about fall coming. Poppy lives in New Zealand.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tattle Tale Tuesday
Apparently I am not a child, because I can get through it easily. I can also get the cover off the dog food easily, though I can't open the treat cans. Mom says I have been pigging out too much, so now I am on a diet. And there is a 1o pound weight on the dog food tin. :(
Monday, March 16, 2009
It's All Dad's Fault

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
To Torture or Not To Torture
Nope! She vacuumed anyway. The things I have to deal with.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday Thirteen
And my mom forgot all about it! Can you believe that? So in honor of that grievous error, here are the Thirteen Things I am going to do to torture my mother because she forgot my birthday.
1) Poop on the floor in the bathroom so she steps in it when she gets out of the shower.
2) Keep her awake all night by bunny kicking her or pushing her out of bed.
3) Use her head for whapping target practise.
4) Barf up all my food right before she leaves for work, making her clean it up and be late for work.
5) Bark at everyone and everything.
6) Escape from the back yard. Maybe go see Monty.
7) Not come in when she takes me out. Do you know how hard it is to find a black dog in a big yard in the DARK?
8) Eat her supper when she's not looking.
9) Chew her purse, her thumb drive her cell phone and all her pens.
10) Run away from her when it is time for bed
11) Sleep with PlusOne instead of her.
12) Totally ignore her and only sit on dad.
13) Pee on the bed (her side), or on her karate gi.
What do you think? Is that enough torture for her forgetting my FIFTH birthday?