We will be celebrating PlusOne's birthday today. Everyone is coming over for cake and ice cream.

Mom started cleaning the house. She washed the four windows in the kitchen because it was so warm and sunny out. She even left them open for a while. It's not nice anymore. It's raining. I'm going to climb under the blankets. Wake me when it's spring. Or someone drops food.
Hoppy Birthday PlusOne!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday PlusOne!
Happy Birthday, PlusOne. Yay for open windows for a while. Personally, I think the food dropping will probably come before Spring.
Happy Birthday PlusOne.
I will wake you when it's spring and in the meantime I will take care of any dropped foood fur you :)
Big licks to you
I hope PlusOne has a fun birthday celebration today!
Did you know it's Salinger's human brother Holden's birthday too? PlusOne and Holden are soooo much alike, too bad you guys don't live closer!
Happy birthday PlusOne!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Cake & ice cream!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmm!
Mom lets me have a bit of ice cream :)
Yesterday was so nice,today we had wet snow :O Mom called it slush!! I think it will rain too.
I really want Spring too!!! Wake mee too,when Spring is here...or when the ice cream is out!!!
Purrs Mickey
Happy Birthday Plus One!! um, 12 yrs.? Enjoy your day.
Looks like Roxy and Lucky would like a little of that ice cream....we would!
Mindy, Moe, Bono
PS, it's switched to rain here too
Happy birtday, Plus One! Hope you all have a fun day and he gets lots of cake and ice cream with his presents. (And you get lots of dropped crumbs.)
Happy birthday Plus One!!
Thank YOu sooo much for the award you gave me the other day. We sure wish you lived closer too!! It would be lots of fun to play:)
I love to hang out with my pug friends.
Have a PUGTASTIC week!!
Happy Bithday Plus One! NIce cake
Happy Birthday plus one! I'm with you sleeping until spring time comes! I'm sick of this yucky weather.
Licks and sniffs,
We hope Plus One had a fantastic birthday!
We had Holden's birthday weekend too! Fun stuff!
Have a great week and we hope your weather isn't too crazy this week!
oh how fun!
happy birthday again plusone!
melissa and emmitt
Happy Birthday PlusOne! We hope you had a fantabulous day!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
I hope PlusOne had the happiest birthday ever!!!
Happy Birthday PlusOne! I hope you got lots of yummy treats and presents!
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