The incredible life of me, Roxy Dragon Pebbles, otherwise known as The Devil Dog and my new sister, Juliet, and my new brother, Loopy. I have no idea what I did to deserve that name! Honest! Just because I'm a black dog doesn't mean I'm naughty dog.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Class Is Now In Session - Lesson Five
This week's lesson is "how to get away with anything" or "after you've cause so much mayhem, how not to be punished".
The answer is simple. Look like this...
If that doesn't get you an "awwww" then you don't deserve to be called a pug. Practice away!
Roxy, you are the master!! I'm working very hard on my "look". The manager at Petco says if I keep practicing, then I can use the look on customers to get donations for the rescue!!! I figure having a duel purpose for the "look" is a good thing =)
Please keep imparting your wisdom on us oh Wise One!!!!
Hi Roxy! You have the look down to a science. I sometimes have to use the look too, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. Practice, practice - that's all I need to do.
I wonder if I allow myself to be caught and look at the agents like that if that will get me off?
You have the look mastered! We will get practicing.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Lucky (O Sensei of Pathetic Faces),
You ARE the MASTER! I could practice for YEARS and never come close to this level of pathetic!
You rock girl!
I dunno, the slobberhound pulled a dumb one the other day and he tried every look under the sun.
As my mom would say cutie patootie!
Roxy, you are the master!! I'm working very hard on my "look". The manager at Petco says if I keep practicing, then I can use the look on customers to get donations for the rescue!!! I figure having a duel purpose for the "look" is a good thing =)
Please keep imparting your wisdom on us oh Wise One!!!!
Well in that class Gus and Indy excel.. :)
I will practice! But I think my sad eyes look more Bichon-y...but they're still pretty effective. ;P
Hi Roxy! You have the look down to a science. I sometimes have to use the look too, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. Practice, practice - that's all I need to do.
Stubby xoxo
Another informative lesson, Roxy. I shall print off that picture and practice at home in front of the mirror.
Oh yeah!!! That look will keep you out if trouble ;) heehee
Good thing our beans are big softies :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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