Mom will have to do two forms (Short Two and Long Two), the Finger Set (showcases the methods of execution) and eight techniques. Two of the techniques are weapon techniques. One knife and one gun.
The test will be over at 9:45 am. Mom won't know how she did for another week. Sigh. But as mom says, as team leader, failure is not an option.
Oh my! That's a lot of pressure on her to do those push ups isn't it? But should she do them if her shoulder isn't all better?
I am glad that your Mom will be taking it easy on the pushups until her shoulder is healed. I think she will do just fine.
Your mom will do great, I just KNOW it! Good luck!!!
Hope you puggies have a great weekend. TRY to stay out of trouble, Roxy. :)
LOL! Failure is not an option! Sounds like Roxy when she's contemplating getting into a locked drawer!
hi m!
oh how exciting! we know you will do great! you are amazing!
have a wonderful holiday weekend!
m & e
Good Luck Roxy's Mom!!!
I bet your mom did just wonderful last week!
Good luck tomorrow!
Tell the momma we said GOOD LUCK!!!!
Have a great holiday weekend!!
I know you will succeed after all I am your Mother and Plusone's Grandmother. I do know those things. Love, Ma xx
Roxy, honey....yer mom has got the right attitude I tell ya what! She's a real go-getter!
Now I'm gonna go flop on the couch.
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