Well, of course you can. She's a Devil Dog.
Check out mom's first sunflower to bloom. I think it may be as tall as she is. It's certainly a lot taller than me!
The incredible life of me, Roxy Dragon Pebbles, otherwise known as The Devil Dog and my new sister, Juliet, and my new brother, Loopy. I have no idea what I did to deserve that name! Honest! Just because I'm a black dog doesn't mean I'm naughty dog.
Ohhh pretty sunflower... My mama and human sister just planted some a few months ago... Can't wait to see them bloom!
Lola Bugs
Hi Lucky,
Good work tattler.I sure hope Roxy didn't get a belly ache from all those ribs!
Your sunflower is beautiful. Pretty soon you will be able to climb up for a Sunflower Club meeting! Don't forget to water!
Roxy, this here is your biggest fan Howie. Do you gots any of them ribbies leftover? Cuz I happen to love me some ribs.
Write soon,
H. PeeMan
Hmmmm...I bet those ribs were delicious!! That was pretty smart of Roxy to get those. Can she teach us how to get food scraps from the garbage can?
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
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