PlusOne has been with grandpa, nana and his aunt, uncle and cousin since Wednesday afternoon. He came back this morning. I was so excited about that that when mom, dad and PlusOne went to Auntie's to celebrate Mr. Karate's birthday, I climbed up on the table and could not get down. This is how mom found me. Notice the chairs, that dad pushed in. Wondering how I got up there? So is mom.
Anyway, Mickey tagged us for the Six Word Memoir meme.
Here are the rules:
1) Write your own six word memoir.
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
6) Have fun
Roxy - Mom, sun, broccoli, broccoli, broccoli, yum!

Lucky ~ ~ PlusOneLuxor, LuxorPlusOne, how to choose, ROXY!
We tag Darling Millie, Melissa and Emmitt, and Angus Mhor.
oh how fun! thank you for the tag you guys!
emmitt and i will have fun with this! i will let you know as soon as we finish.
m & e
Roxy, how in the world did you get up there!?!?
Roxy,Roxy ,Roxy!!!! You are a character! Heeheehee
I love your meme! Broccoli Roxy!
Lucky, you can have both!! No need to choose :)
I am sorry your Mom's vacation is over :( I bet it was fun with her home all week!
Purrs Mickey
Good Morning Roxy!
I forgot to tell you how much I liked your broccoli and kitchen table pictures!
Emmitt has completed his meme. Thank you for thinking of us! It was fun!
He, he, he. I knew you would mention broccoli at least once. FAZ
Oh Lucky, my love! I am willing to share your love with PlusOne! :)
Hmmm ... Broccoli ... Yep, that sounds like you, Roxy. Definitely!
Lucky you made us laugh!
And you Roxy--of course you had broccoli!
just how DID you get up there Roxy?
those is great memoirs!
They are awesome memoirs. Roxy I didn't know you liked broccoli, how funny. My mum says you can have all her share!!
I hope your mom has a good return to work!!
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