We received this award from Eduardo.

We received this award from Eduardo & Life Inside The Fence.

The incredible life of me, Roxy Dragon Pebbles, otherwise known as The Devil Dog and my new sister, Juliet, and my new brother, Loopy. I have no idea what I did to deserve that name! Honest! Just because I'm a black dog doesn't mean I'm naughty dog.
And watch your son run around looking for crabs and whatnot.
He found crabs.
And the sign saying no pets. A lot of people didn't "read" the sign. Mom and dad did. Bummer.
Mom will be real busy this weekend putting another coat of paint on the wall, painting the ceiling, and re-insulating and re-sheet rocking these last two sections. I am going to try and hide from dad.
Mom had a couple of questions about her lap robes.
1) How much, what size and will mom be doing them for overseas.
Last question first. Yes, of course, mom will ship overseas. Mom has to figure it out, but she is sure Auntie will help, especially as Auntie is a pro at that.
What sizes? Pretty much whatever size you want. Mom, being 5'4" likes to be tucked into her lap robe, so she would make one 5' x 4'. PlusOne likes to be totally covered up to his neck with them. He is 5' tall. Mom would make his bigger.
Colors are pretty much whatever scheme you would like, unless you want mom to just do her own thing. Mom knew Cassie liked pink, so mom planned it around that. These are custom, one of a kind.
Price. Lap robes with quilt batting inside is $10.00/square foot. Quilts, with no batting, is $9.00/ square foot. So a 5' x 4' lap robe would be $200.00 before shipping.
Mom is working on getting a PayPal account and eventually an Etsy Shop.
Hope that covers everything. And hope dad forgives me. Soon.
2) Mom sold a lap robe. She is all excited, and can't wait to get the sewing room finished so she can get to sewing on it. "Bright and lively rainbow colors" is what was requested. Somehow, I don't think mom will have a problem with that. It is going to be 4' x 5'. Pretty soon you will all see how it is coming.
3) If anyone is interested in mom making them a lap robe, you can email her at "roxythedevildog AT gmail DOT com. Mom figured that with the price of heating oil going up, up and up, that lap robes, (with a warm quilt batting inside) would be one way to stay toasty warm in the winter. It's also a great way to snuggle with your kitty, woofie, spouse or child! Lap robes are 100% cotton, with Quilter's Dream batting, machine washable and dry-able (and not just on cold!)
4) Mom also put up a link to her Devil Dog Designs blog, which is just going to be a showcase for her quilts and lap robes.
5) Mom is looking for some good books on teaching. Does anyone have any suggestions? Mom thinks she might talk to much and feels she needs to be a better communicator.
6) Mom has already told dad what she wants for Christmas. Make a note on your calender everyone, Hades has just frozen over. Mom actually said to dad "I want this!" Instead of "Oh, whatever" or "I don't need anything, don't spend any money on me." Dad was so surprised he told mom to email him her request.
7) Mom tore down all but one sheet of sheet rock on the back porch. She has to take all that insulation down and then re-insulate. Pretty soon she will have all that done, and only the last 2 sheets for the ceiling will need to be done.
8) I got an email a few weeks ago from Mike at Best Bully's. He wanted me to try his dog treats. So I said sure. He doesn't make them in Broccoli (which is a total bummer) but this is what they are described as:
They are a great, all natural choice for your dog. Our bully sticks are inspected and approved by USDA/FDA and national food inspection authorities. And they come from free range, grass fed bulls.
12) I didn't move for a couple of hours while I chewed my stick.
13) I liked it so much, I brought it into BED with me (but not under the covers) and chewed on it while mom tried to sleep. Ha Ha Ha. I guess that means we like them. Mom has two left on the counter. I am trying to figure out how to get up there. Leave a chair close to the counter, mom. Leave a chair close to the counter, mom. Leave a chair...
There is a "Quilts From All Over The World" show that mom and Auntie may go to this afternoon. While the paint is drying, you understand. She'll tell you all about it Monday if they go.
Betchya mom doesn't start reading it. Because that would mean she has to sit down. Sitting down would mean she can't paint her sewing room like she wants. Anyone want to take that bet? Nope? Didn't think so.
Is this mom or what?