Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Reasons I love winter.

1) The white stuff contrasts nicely with my lovely coloring.

2) I get to wear my coat. I just LOVE getting dressed in clothes. (NOT!)

3) Lucky and I really have to search for our spot. Really.

4) Lucky makes mom tramp through the snow to get her.

5) Snow and cold make Lucky really miserable. (Mom carries her inside.)

6) Wait a minute. Snow and cold make me miserable too.

Can we go in now?


Anonymous said...

That's only six! We feel a tad bit cheated! Maybe one day we will see snow!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love your little coat. You look divine in it!

Puglette said...

aww...snow is too cold for ollie too, but lucky looks especially sad in the snow, poor sweetie! roxy, watch out for those snowballs!

meemsnyc said...

It looks like you two enjoy the snow!

Dughallmor Beagles said...

O.M.Dawg! Such cute photos, adorable....we love the top one and the ones of Lucky looking miserable, so funny!
Slobbers xx

Kelly said...

Oh Lucky! That pathetic face and the way you plop right down in that snow! How adorable are you!? And Roxy, you are a snow goddess. Your black fur just glows!

Nevis said...

But...Roxy you look so foxy in your sweater! (heh, sorry, couldn't surpress the rhyme)

Anonymous said...

haha, we love how Lucky just plops down in the snow, defiantly, like a 3 year old having a temper tantrum in the grocery store. Classic.

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Hi Roxy! you both look cute in the snow! You only posted 6 reasons, but I guess it was because you were getting too cold to write more, right! you should come visit us over here! we are having great days at the beach

Daisy said...

I wish it snowed where I live!

Anonymous said...

geee....that is cold!!!!

Poppy Q said...

We feel a bit mean for complaining about the cloudy and windy summer we are having, when we see all of the snow you guys have.

You better stay inside, toasty and warm.


The Furry Kids said...

I love snow! Except if it's really really cold out, then I hate it and I run to the back part of the yard and then do the cold feets thing and Mom has to carry me back. All 60 pounds! It's super fun. hehe Mom's friend's dawg has boots. Do you guys have boots? Would that help?

Your pal,

Lux said...

Your little coat is cute, Roxy!

I'm like Lucky (and you) - I hate snow and cold!

Anonymous said...

Indy has done that twice this winter.. it was the -8 celcius days. I had to go through knee deep snow to take her inside.

But you know what you forgot? Snow makes you stay inside and cuddle to keep warm!!

Eduardo said...

Roxy! That was only 6 reasons was I supposed to count the photos as well? Well I guess so...You look so cute in your coat! You look cute naked too(Mommy told me not to say that, but I don't care!)Also my Mommy looked up the sizes for y'alls weight(great website for that kind of stuff & I would say the pattern is about a size medium, is that okay?) & she has cut out a pattern for y'all! I hope it fits! Mommy hasn't felt much like sewing lately but she is going to make them!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Frances Louise said...

I feel for you and Lucky -- snow and cold pretty much sucks. And then to top it off, my parents toss snowballs at me . . . sheesh!

Kelli said...

Hi Roxy & Lucky!
I can't even think of one reason I like winter! I hope spring comes soon for both of us!

Karen Jo said...

I really feel sorry for you, Roxy and Lucky, having to go out in the cold snow to find your spots. I hope you don't have to stay out long.

Mickey's Musings said...

Roxy,you do look fine against the snow and in your sweater ;)
What???????? Your Mom does not carry you in too :o
Purrs Mickey

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Oh my goodness, those pics of you guys are too cute!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi roxy!
you and lucky make beautiful snow bunnies.. i mean puggies.
m & e

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Ooo ... Look at your snow! It'll be in the low 70s at my house this weekend, but my Chargers hafta play in the FREEZING in Pittsburg this weekend. Ha!