Doesn't memere look happy? Notice the look on the boy's face? Those eyes? Mom thinks that is pretty funny.

Here he is, asleep, (on a quilt made by Auntie) at memere's house. Mom figure that she couldn't
Now, once upon a time, mom asked about a name for the boy, because he did not like "the boy". Mom got all sorts of ideas, but then the boy thought of his own new name. It is "PlusOne". For several reasons. One, Mr Karate is known as PlusRan to his college buddies, and PlusRan and PlusOne sounds cool. Two, he is now eleven, ten PlusOne. And Three, it is mom and dad PlusOne in the household. So there you have it. Happy Birthday PlusOne.
Oh yeah, mom says to tell you that she and Auntie worked for HOURS on the quilt. They have one row all done, the one with the extra big blocks. Mom has to make two more blocks to get another row all done. She has already given Auntie the block for that row.
I will tell you all about their quilting tomorrow. Just remember, don't believe EVERYTHING Auntie tells you. Older sisters can be quite superior about things. hee hee.
Happy Birthday PlusOne!!
That is a great name for you. I hope you get lots of cake and blow out the candles on the first try.
Hoppy Birthday PlusOne!
Happy Birthday PlusOne, honeybun!
(My Mom told me to say that)
Happy Birthday, PlusOne!!! We hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom, and Happy Father's Day to your Dad!!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
I hope you get totally spoiled today and have a super year!!
I hope you het big wet kisses from Roxy & Lucky too,heehee
Purrs & Headbutts,Mickey
Happy Birfday PlusOne! I lyks yur noo name. It sownds vewy cool an it waz smart of yoo to fink of its. Hope yoo get lotsa good pressies today!
Chance Bond
Happy Birthday Plusone!!! We love all the photos Mom posted. You were such a deep thinker at only 2 hours old! We wish you lots of licks and pug hugs! xoxo
Happy Birthday PlusOne! I enjoyed looking at your baby pictures.
Happy Birthday, PlusOne!!!! I love the pictures of you when you were just a new kitten.
Happy Birthday PlusOne!!
Happy birthday! Hope it's a super one. I love the baby picture with shades.
I hope you have a very happy birthday, PlusOne! That's a cool name.
Happy Birthday, PlusOne! Hope it's great!
From a fellow Pisces...
Puff's Mombean
Happy Birthday, PlusOne! We think you are totally awesome!!
Moe & Mindy
Happy Birthday, PlusOne!
It's a good thing you came up with your own original name or you might have ended up with a cutie one - AdorableSon or something. We like PlusOne.
Jan's Funny Farm
Happy Birthday PlusOne! Very cute name for a very cute boy!
Happy Birthday PlusOne! And many more!
Happy Birthday PlusOne!
I love the new name!
You are the coolest family ever!
m & e
Happy birthday PlusOne!! Hope you got lots of puggy kisses!
That's an excellent new name for an excellent 'bean. Happiest of birthdays to PlusOne.
Happy Birthday Plusone son. I still like theboy, but completely understand!
Happy Birthday, PlusOne! That's a great growin' up young man name!
I feel I must definitely join in wishing PlusOne a Happy Birthday! What cute pictures!
Karl will love that picture! And I am sure he will want the glasses - they look like Winnie the Pooh glasses?
He and Ruis are still at the Spa but as soon as he gets home I will send him over - it might be a few days, though - they love it so much they don't want to leave!
So I took over for the time being!
Mrs. OZ
Happy Birthday PlusOne!! We love your new name and the glasses were cool! Hope your day was great and filled with lots of love and presents!
Your FL furiends,
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