Welcome to Tattle Tale Tuesday. Today's tale is about Auntie and mom. Mom is 8 years younger than mom. For a long time, Auntie did not think much of mom. Most of the problems started early on. As shown in this picture. Mom is about two, I think.

You see, that's Auntie's doll in mom's hands. Notice that mom is dragging it by its hair.

Yup, I think it's safe to say that mom did not endear herself to Auntie with this act. And it didn't get much better. How would you like your younger sister tagging around when you are trying to play with your friends. Auntie didn't. So this is what she and her friends did to mom.

They tied mom up, and took a picture of her. How bad is that? Poor mom.
Tee-hee. My brother and I are only 2 1/2 years apart, so we didn't have much trouble in this department.
Mom said Auntie was a PEST! She said she NEVER STOPPED TALKING and she followed Mom around ALL THE TIME. Mom said Auntie WANTED to get tied up. (It must have been to play with the big girls.) Mom said Auntie was HAPPY until the camera came out.
P.S., Mom said that was a doll she got for Christmas, and Auntie took it right away!
Mom said that as she was the baby of the family for 7 years,she understands about older siblings and teasing :) I'm sure your Mom was just playing Caveman when she dragged the doll around,heehee
When she was tied up,did she chew her way out? Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Oh my! Those are cute photos of them as little girls, though!
I don't get why MomBean is laughing...
Hahahaha! They had to tie her up!
oh no! haha! :) My brother and I are 2.5 years apart so we just fought constantly! My sister is 11 years younger so when she was a little kid she followed me constantly and always went through my stuff! I wish I thought about tying her up!!
Aww! So sad. But I think the younger sibling always gets picked on. Mom and her twin sister used to dress up their little brother in baby clothes and make him get in their baby carriage. Haha! And my grandma used to lock her little sister in the hen house - now she is afraid of birds!!
Love Clover xo
Those are great pictures . . . it's wonderful that your mom was able to keep them so well.
My Mommy is the oldest, so she entirely sympathizes with your Auntie.
Momma said she always gotted picked on, too, because she was the baby. :(
Roxy! Cute photos of mom and auntie. we had a big smile over here especially because we know how much they love each other.
m & e
My mom and her sister were just like that too, and you wouldn't know it, 'cause they're, like, BFF now. (Why is it that the moment you use the acronym for Best Friends Forever, the word "like" comes into play and there's a slide into the "Valley Girl" dialect, hmm?)
Hmmm ... I asked Mom 'bout the "younger sibling" stuff an' she said that the "baby" deserves all of the bad treatment 'cuz they don't listen an' don't mind their own beeswax an' stuff. Mom an' Uncle James are three years an' three days apart, so they're the same zodiac sign. I think that they're both NUTS an' they need to get over themselves. I was only minutes older than my brother, Huckleberry Finn, an' we got along just fine.
Hi Devil Dog! You are SO SO SO cute! I'm an only child now, so I don't have any sibling stories to share :-(
I DO like broccoli! I don't like green beans though...YUK! I love peas and carrots best and my faaaaaavorite treat is cheese or popcorn!
Nice to meet you!!!!! I can't wait to read more about you!
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