Last night, mom was watching ABC News and saw The Army of Women story. Dr. Susan Love has created an Army of Women. She is committed to fighting and preventing Breast Cancer. This is her mission statement.
"Breast cancer has been around for decades, but it does not have to be our future. We can be the generation that eliminates breast cancer by identifying what causes this disease and stopping it before it starts. This is your chance to be part of the research that will end breast cancer. Sign up for your sister, mother, daughter, granddaughter, best friend, and the woman you met last week."
Help us eradicate breast cancer once and for all. Join the Army of Women today! This means we need you to help us recruit women of all ages, ethnicities, sizes, and shapes. We need women who have had breast cancer and women who have not. We need African American women, Asian women, white women, Latinas, and lesbians to be involved.
You can do your part to help us spread the word about the Army and reach our goal of one million women by:
Emailing an invitation to your friends and family members to join the Army. Send an email today!
Inviting your church, school, professional organization, social group, or sorority, to join the Army. Email us for more information about group affiliations.
Using our “Spread the Word” feature to let friends or family members know about information we have on our site that might interest them.
Forwarding emails you receive from the Army to family members and friends.
Talking to your friends and family members about the Army and the studies you take part in.
Linking to from your social networking page, website, or blog. (Consider yourself linked!)
Thank you for joining the movement to go beyond a cure to eradicate breast cancer.

Mom's memere, on the left, had a radical mastectomy 50 or so years ago. At the time, she was given 6 months to live. She died in 2001, a few months before her 95th birthday.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
Mom wants to apologize for not blog reading today. It is the worst time of the year for her, year end inventory, and she is wiped. She will get back on track tomorrow. I promise.
You wrote a great post for a great cause. I hope that the year end inventory goes really well.
Thanks for letting me know about the Army of Women. I will spread the word, as well.
Sorry your Mom is so busy,but I know you and Lucky will take care of her :)
YAY for an Army of Women!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Thanks for letting us know about the Army of Women. I never stop being amazed about the animal blog community and how much people care about each other.
Good luck to your Mom with the year end inventory.
Thanks for the information.
Hope the inventory goes well and that you have a great weekend!
Great post!
We haven't been able to visit much lately either. hmph
Thank you for telling me about the army of women, I will tell Mommy & make sure she tells her Mommy & sister!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
what a great post. thank you for sharing this wonderful program and your family pictures.
Woof Roxy the Ninja
Excellent post. It's good to know that there are pups out there that take a stand and get involved. Cancer is an evil that must be eliminated. So as usual it's up to us because we can't count on the government for anything(except to give $700 billion dollars to rich people).
Anyway, Toby is no longer is jail. Gucci organized a prison break and he's hiding out in D.C.
Desert Pups
Dear Wiped Lucky and Roxy's Mom:
Go Army!Fight, fight, fight! Win!
Every memere and her mother and sister and friend needs that Army!
Thank you!
PS: No apology needed, Madame DIY and general superwoman. You do what you can..we'll be here!
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