Mom moved the bookcases into place. She has to finished painting the shelves.

Then she can put all her books back. Auntie asked where all the stuff went.
Does this answer your question? This is the landing to the upstairs.

There's more (of course) but mom is a little embarrassed by it all. One of the things she is going to do is get rid of things she doesn't want or use any more. Hey, you might as well go all the way, right?
It was nice and sunny on the back porch. We joined mom as she was reading Brisingr. It is hard to put down.
Oh, by the way, mom does have a rug, but there is a story behind it, so you will have to wait to hear it, when the floor is all finished.
good morning roxy and lucky!
you look so happy sunning yourself with mom.
i am so excited about your new room! what an amazing project you have accomplished.
your bookcase looks great! i know i have told you before but i love the blue paint you chose.
when i changed my studios. I thru away 14 bags of stuff, junk, you name it. Next I am going through my books. Yes i hear you I will let you know which ones you can have. Love
The room is coming along nicely!
Wow! You are doing an amazing job on that sewing room. And how wonderful to have a good sunny spot for some sweet puggy girls.
Wow! Your room is going to well! We are impressed. Getting rid of books is actually kind of fun when you get into it! We still have way too many though...
That last photo is priceless!
The room lppks so good!!! I bet that sunshine streaming in felt good on you and Lucky's fur!!!!
The room is about ready for 'Creations by Mom' :)
Can't wait to hear about the rug !!
Purrs Mickey
What a grand looking room. Good job!
We recycle our book at the second hand bookstore, only thing is, mom bring back as many as she took there.We don't call that cutting back at all. We love seeing you two in that patch of sunlight in the porch, nice big windows for sunbathing and snoozing.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Cute photos! I love the color of that room and the floors look great. Don't feel bad about all of the books on the previous post. They will be in their place soon!
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