She is reading a neat new book she found at the library, called "Havemercy". It is a science fantasy about mechanical dragons. It is a little slow going to start off with, but mom likes it. She was going to see Auntie, but Auntie wasn't home, so mom read! She's starting to act like me! Wow! I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
It sounds like a great way to spend the afternoon though!
Well aren't you a great trainer, Roxy!
Kisses, Bajas.
Wow Roxy, you taught your mom how to read? ;P
Oh maybe how to lay on the sofa and relax...
How could she not want to sit on a comfy couch with you :) ?
I think she is finally getting the message that she needs to relax !!
Did your Mom finish the other book ?
Purrs Mickey
That's a long time to read! Your mom person will have to review that book for us!
Havemercy looks interesting...what's it about (besides mechanical dragoons)..?
I am glad your mom got a chance to relax for a change!
Sometimes you just need one of those evenings. I hope she cuddled you enough. Sometimes when Mom reads, she forgets to give me scritches. :(
Your pal,
H-Mom needs a good book!
That's good, glad your mom too a break! That book does sound interesting! Tell us more please!
Oooh, reading is the best time the puggies. It is serious, couch, sitting still and giving pets time.
We will have to start some kind of -day book review. There are no days that start with "B" or that would be perfect. Hmm....I will have to think about this for a while. I've been reading so many books lately, and I've been meaning to talk about them on a blog, but I need some alliteration to go with it!!
I hope your Mommy enjoys her Book! I love it when Mommy reads because then it's snuggling time! Roxy are you & Lucky coming to my birthday party Saturday? Mommy hired a plane to pick everybody up! You can have a window seat!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Roxy, your mom is a very smart lady. We love Sci Fi and fantasy! The puggies love the laptime when it's time to read. It's a win win situation...
hi roxy!
tell your mom i am so proud of her for relaxing a bit. her book sounds fun!
m & e
Reading something you're really enjoying is the best, Mom says!
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