Monty is Missing! His mom doesn't know how he got outside, but she can't find him. She has walked around the neighborhood shaking his treat box and showing his picture to everyone she could find. She did find the neighbor's lost cat, so it wasn't a total loss, she says. She has called the shelters and put his tent and Purrpad on the porch, along with food and water.
Lucky and I like Monty very much. He is our cousin Millie's sweetheart and he was also one of our Road Trippers. He was a lot of fun on the Road Trip, howling (to everyone's dismay) along with his kareoke machine. I would give anything to hear his singing/howling now. Lucky is very sad over this, and her normally cute face is now quite distraught. I want to go look for him, because I am sure I could find him, being a woofie and all.
Please send your good thoughts and prayers to Monty's family for his safe and speedy return.
We are furry worried about Monty. That is scary to be lost in the big world. I was lost a few months ago for over 24 hours. Momma was beside herself with worry. I hope that Monty is found safe and sound soon.
Come home Monty! I'm so sorry to hear that he has become lost. Maybe his taste for adventure has caused him to crave more travels. Hopefully he gets homesick very quickly and finds his way home to you.
China Cat and I are busy crossing our paws and purrrrring that Monty comes home sooner than soon.
Purrrrrrs, Willow
We hope he comes safely home real soon!
I am very, very worried about Monty, too. I wish he would go home right away.
We are very worried about Monty, too. We just want him to come home.
As much as I am not a fan of cats, I hope Monty comes home soon because everytone deserves to be loved at home.
Monty is home!
I am so happy Monty is home!!! Yay!
I went missing once for 24 hours too.Mom was crazy since we lived on a very busy street at the time.
But it was OK.I was hiding in some tall grass until Mom found me.
Whew, indoors is way better ;)
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