For some odd reason, mom decided to trot out the puppy pictures.

Does that pose look familiar? And that expression?

And here I am looking oh so adorable, if I may say so myself.
And here I am getting washed by Lucky. I didn't realize I was dirty, but it's nice to know she took such good care of me when I was a puppy. She's a good sister.
Beans tend to get nostalgic every so often.When they are done they tend to look at you and go"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww,you were soooooooooooooo cute" Then they rub you all over and smother you with kisses!
Run while you can!!!!
You're right, Lucky is a good sister and a wonderful woman. :)
P.S. You ARE adorable, Roxy!
Oh you are so cute!!!! Momma just thinks you are the cutest ever. She loves pugs. I am still not sure I am ready to live with a pug.
Awe, how cute. Lucky is such a wonderful sister.
Four Pugz
You wuz a cute fur baby!
You were truly an adorable puppy. I did not realize Lucky is an older sister!
Roxy, you were the cutest puppy, ever! No wonder you grew up to be so adorable.
I love the pictures of you when you were young and your sister is adorable too. What a lot of loving you get from your "beans"
Love Missy
Oh Roxy - You are the cutest little puppy ever!
Hi Roxy we saw you joined DWB recently and we sniffed over to check you out! Your not DevilDog your a black beautylike us. Us black doggies get a bad rap huh? Well your adorable and you were a cutie pie pup. Mom keeps telling us she's gonna pull out the puppy pics but she hasn't yet! We'll sniff back by.
waggin tails from the tx trio barking loud!
Awww-we love puppy pictures!!
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