I suppose this could be one reason I have the name of The Devil Dog. I don't know how the toilet paper got there!
I mean, seriously, the toilet paper followed me. Honest!

Would I lie to you? Look at my face! And look at little Miss Innocent lying down beside me like she had nothing to do with any of it!
Would I lie to you? Look at my face! And look at little Miss Innocent lying down beside me like she had nothing to do with any of it!
I suppose that my knocking over the trash cans and shredding the kleenex all over the rug could be another reason I have this name. Or the fact that I eat whatever I can reach on the counter, or table.
Or the fact that I broke into my dad's lunch box and ate 14 ounces of M&M's. (Boy, did I regret that!) Or the fact that I ate 1/3 of a halloween bag of Tootsie Rolls. (Come to think of it, I regret that too.)
Or maybe it was because I flipped the boy's birthday cake off the counter and it landed face up on the floor. I don't know why everyone was so upset. It was in the plastic case, I couldn't get it open, so the cake was still edible. Just ... smooshed.
What do you think?
(you can click on the pictures to biggify)
Ya know, I had a few ... issues with the ol' TP when I was a kitten. I never broke in to the mombean's lunch though. She likes to eat all these veggies. YUCK!!
You should live with us, smooshed or not she always says "Oooo there's *cake*?"
Yeah, the smartest thing to do is play the cute card.
Actually, the smartest thing to do is not get caught. You gotta work on that.
The toilet paper totally followed you, it happens with my BabyBean all the time...
Toilet paper has been known to stalk my dog too. The only solution (according to him) is to eat it and barf it up on the rug an hour later. That'll teach it! ;o)
My Mom tells everyone I am perfect. Mom totally believes I am the best. Maybe you could try not to get into trouble, you know toilet paper belongs in the bathroom not on your bed. Your cousin, Missy Miss Perfect
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