Here is something I borrowed from
Millie. It's called Thursday Thirteen. Well, here are thirteen silly sleeping positions. I think Lucky's are especially funny.

1. She'll sleep anywhere.

2. That's the boy's sneaker. Lucky likes shoes.

3. Mom thought she was going to fall out of the recliner.

4. Lucky and the boy.

5. The two of us.

6. What can I say, she makes a good pillow.

7. Yes, that is clean laundry.

8. Lucky must have been really tired.

9. My Manet pose.

10. Okay, okay, I was tired, what can I say.

11. I have nothing to say about this one.

12. Yes, that bone is in her mouth.

13. Told you she likes shoes. That's dad's slipper.
(you can click on the pictures to biggify)
Those pics are a scream!
Both you and Lucky have good pics of the "full Monty". I bet your Mombean gets lots of smiles with the two of you.Thanks for sharing.
Those are GREAT! Mom was laughing out loud by the time she got to the last one!
Thanks for making us both laugh.
You have a furry nice belly!! So does Lucky. Who knew woofies could have such nice bellies.
PeeEss.. I hope the boy didn't rollover and get a face full of Lucky's butt! ;)
Dear Mickey and Millie
I am glad I made your day. I thought some of those were pretty funny. (especially the ones of Lucky)
Beezer, the boy did not roll over and get lucky butt, but mom wants you to know that sometimes Lucky chews her hair and licks her up the nose. Eeeew!
You two are hilarious!
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