Well, mom opened it up and look, Secret Santa gifts, from Page and Rob and Winston and Sela.
(You should go read the very funny story of Page chasing the kitty around in the dark in an old nightgown) I am still not so sure of this, notice the eye that I am giving to mom.

Well, mom pulls the blue bone stuffie out of the box and away I go. I pounced on that thing almost like a cat.
Then I shook my head every which way and chased it again. Every time Lucky got it, I took it away from her. I shook it and chewed it and chased it and had a ball with it.

Eventually I let Lucky play with it. There was also a rope knot, a ball, a squeaky toy, some lotion for mom (because she is not putting apple scented stuff on me!).

And this. Which, while it does contrast nicely with my coloring, I would have to say belongs to mom.
Eventually I let Lucky play with it. There was also a rope knot, a ball, a squeaky toy, some lotion for mom (because she is not putting apple scented stuff on me!).
And this. Which, while it does contrast nicely with my coloring, I would have to say belongs to mom.
She couldn't resist taking these photos of me, though. I think I was very well behaved while she did it, sitting still and smiling. Daisy would be so proud of me. I did not get any treats for this either. I think Daisy would call that highway robbery.

I think mom was trying for the innocent senorita look here. I am not sure if it worked or not. But anyway, the scarf really is for mom. Miss Page was worried about her knitting on the scarf, and since mom knits, mom wanted me to tell Miss Page that she did a very fine job and mom will wear it proudly. Phew, I am saved.

I think mom was trying for the innocent senorita look here. I am not sure if it worked or not. But anyway, the scarf really is for mom. Miss Page was worried about her knitting on the scarf, and since mom knits, mom wanted me to tell Miss Page that she did a very fine job and mom will wear it proudly. Phew, I am saved.
Thank you Miss Page and Rob and Winston and Sela. Happy Holidays!
What terrific presents!
WOW!! Super presents! They came ay the right time to put a BIG smile on every face :)
Looks like you are having lots of fun with that blue bone stuffie!
While you do look sweet in the scarf(one advantage of being black) I think it would look better on your Mom,heehee
Enjoy your presentsRoxy!
Purrs Mickey
Wow, you got some great presents! We cats do Secret Paws, too. It's very fun.
Roxy, I think you are a natural model! You look very beautiful in the pretty scarf, and you made a good smile for the camera. I am a little worried that you did not get paid any treats. That part should be in your modeling contract.
Pugtastic! That looks like a great box!
What wonderful presents. It's nice of you to share.
We dropped over to meet Rob and Page and read the story of Boo Kitty's escape. Jan's been there, done that, but NOT with us. We're perfect.
Jan's Funny Farm
What a great box of beautiful presents! Roxy, you look beautiful in the scarf. Mom should definitely share it with you! You look great!
Emmitt and Melissa
what great pressies! We love the scarf on you! We love reading your blog so much so we added you to our list of puggy friends on our blog at http://weenyanddaisy.blogspot.com/
we hope to see you there soon!
Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Your pugs are adorable! ;)
What a great gift you guys got!!! Enjoy.
Hmmm, maybe daddy was talking sense for once! M & M's eh? I've never eaten that much, but i did eat one of daddys easter eggs once and i ate it alll up and had to be rushed to the vet :S I still didnt learn my lesson i guess!
Anyway it was very nice to hear from you and we'll stop by soon to say hi again!
Big licks and hugs
Weeny and Daisy
xx xx
Man! You all got a truckload of presents! Woo-hoo!
Roxy, I know the scarf was for your mom, but you look so good in it I'm starting to think you should keep it!! Or, maybe you could share ;) I'm so glad you, your sister and your mom liked the gifts and I loved seeing the pics!!
Roxy, you look great in that shawl. Maybe you should demand your mom give it back to you.
We bet it would be nice in warm on your trips outside, too.
Roxy, you are tres chic and fashion-forward, as always! BTW, my own Thursday Thirteen today is 13 blogs I've been enjoying reading, including Devil Dog. (The post is over at Daily Mitzvah.) I'm especially glad to hear things are looking up for you and your humans after the upsetting events earlier in the week!
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