Mom also likes to get everything ready beforehand. She is very organized.
Here are all the ingredients for 2 double batches of M & M cookies. Just like on the M & M bag. Mom believes in simplicity, when it comes to cookies. She does not put tons of things in them, unlike Auntie. Now, Auntie's cookies are great, don't get me wrong. But dad likes mom's better.
Here are a bunch of the made cookies. Believe it or not, the boy does not like M & M cookies. He prefers Chocolate Chip.

See, it really doesn't look bad at all, does it? Here you can see that mom has also made the batter for 2 double batches of chocolate chip cookies.
Here is a close up of the "mess". Not really very messy, huh? Mom likes it that way. All told, mom made about 22 dozen cookies. She gave 1 dozen of the M & M to the new neighbor, whose kids love "soft cookies" and scarfed them down in the time it took mom to walk back to the house after delivering them. Then there were about a dozen or so that needed to be "tested for quality" by dad and the boy. Mom has 20 dozen made and bagged.
Mom is going to make more Chocolate Chip cookies with the swirly chips and then mom will make her famous Vanilla Chip cookies. These are wanted by the "older teachers" who have had them in years past. One teacher in particular is waiting for them. And not very patiently, either.
And that same teacher wants mom to bring them to the Christmas Party they are having. Mom will post that recipe as she knows people will ask for it, and as they are really, really good.After the cookies, mom makes English Muffin Bread for the Big Three, the same teacher who is waiting for the Vanilla Chip cookies, and another teacher whose birthday is right before Christmas. So mom will need 10 loaves of bread.
And then there is dad's family. They all get two or three loaves each. They include dad's two brothers, two sisters and his father. So that's 11 loaves, 21 loaves total. Not counting one or two for dad and the boy. Mom's gonna be really busy. Wonder if she will drop anything for me?
Ya know... DKM likes cookies!
Oh my gosh, look at all the busyness in that kitchen! I would have so much fun!
Your Mom is going to be really busy in the kitchen, all right. With all that baking going on, I'm sure something will get dropped.
My mom thinks your mom is a pest. She says she has seen your mom's kitchen really messy.
You see...we have our Mom well trained. She only makes cookies for us!! Liver Brownies, Salmon cookies, Peanut Butter munchies....YUM! We've never had an M& they taste like chicken?
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Your mom is so thoughtful. The cookies look delicious.
Four Pugz
Home-baked holiday gifts are the best! And those look very scrumptious.
Wow! I hope you got to test those cookies!
Mommy bakes a lot this time of year too. And, she hates it too when the kitchen gets messy. Growing up, her Daddy always told her "Clean as you go" this way there is less of a mess and isn't as overwhelming. Mommy tries to do that, but sometimes the sink gets full, but not as bad as your Aunties. She does get a lot of flour all over the place.
Roxy, your mom rocks. Jeanne
WoW! That is wonderful! Your house must smell amazing with all of the delicious baking! That is very special. I cannot think of a nicer gift than homemade cookies and bread. Tell your mom she is very cool!
Hi Roxy,
Your mom is my mom's hero right now. That is so much baking!! My mom needs to bake probably 6 dozen cookies soon, and maybe your mom can serve as some inspiration. Wait, make it 8 dozen - I want her to make 2 dozen for me too. Hehe.
Love Clover xo
MomBean makes some good cookies, maybe she'll trade!
Oh those look so good!! And wow - that was a lot of flour too!
oh YUM
Roxy your mom's kitchen is a...a cookie factory! and some lucky people are going to get the benefits of home baked cookies.
Mindy wouldn't, but I would have a go at those M&M cookies. Well I would at least lick one...I like all kinds of things a cat shouldn't have!
Mmmmmmmm Cookies!!
Ahem! I'm sorry about the above. Mine mombean gets like that some times.
WOW!!! Your Mom is busy! Do you get a chance to see yer or do you have to wait till after Christmas? heehee. Mom is interested in the Vanilla cookies :)(she is interested in any cookie,haha)
I bet yer Mom is gonna sleep really well tonight!
WOW!!! Your Mom is busy! Do you get a chance to see yer or do you have to wait till after Christmas? heehee. Mom is interested in the Vanilla cookies :)(she is interested in any cookie,haha)
I bet yer Mom is gonna sleep really well tonight!
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