1 & 2) The quilt ball AND the crescent moon santa.
3) Pear shaped green ornament

4 & 5) The snowflake ball and the red wire "ball"

6) Santa

7) The boy

8) Reindeer

9) The blue ornament (which is actually a name tag holder for the table)
4 & 5) The snowflake ball and the red wire "ball"
6) Santa
7) The boy
8) Reindeer
9) The blue ornament (which is actually a name tag holder for the table)
10) Ornament within ornament

11) This reminds mom of the Russian rooftops.

12) Star
And, in case you think mom forgot, Thirteen reasons mom is thankful
1) Roxy & Lucky were not HURT Monday!
2) Roxy and Lucky were not STOLEN!
3) Watchful neighbors who called the police and shook the screen doors, scaring the thieves!
4) Sharp eyed people who called in to the police a suspicious car!
5) The cat and dog bloggers with their generous hearts and spirits and prayers!
6) That mom is going to get her engagement ring back (and the other stuff too)!
7) All the prayers mom received over this and Roxy being sick.
8) The number of biteys put on the thieves, the number of poops going on their pillows, and the amount of coal they will get for Christmas!
9) Monty's backside to the twerps/perps!
10) Goodboy Norman who's woman was going to start an internet campaign if the boy didn't get his cello back.
11) The detectives who let the boy take his cello, even though it is evidence.
13) The men in blue who caught the bad boys! (And I mean boys, one of them is only 20 years old. He was out on bail for drug possession and slashing his girlfriend's tires and threatening her with more if she didn't give him back his stuff. Nice!)
Happy Holidays!
11) This reminds mom of the Russian rooftops.
12) Star
13) Pretty colors and shape
And, in case you think mom forgot, Thirteen reasons mom is thankful
1) Roxy & Lucky were not HURT Monday!
2) Roxy and Lucky were not STOLEN!
3) Watchful neighbors who called the police and shook the screen doors, scaring the thieves!
4) Sharp eyed people who called in to the police a suspicious car!
5) The cat and dog bloggers with their generous hearts and spirits and prayers!
6) That mom is going to get her engagement ring back (and the other stuff too)!
7) All the prayers mom received over this and Roxy being sick.
8) The number of biteys put on the thieves, the number of poops going on their pillows, and the amount of coal they will get for Christmas!
9) Monty's backside to the twerps/perps!
10) Goodboy Norman who's woman was going to start an internet campaign if the boy didn't get his cello back.
11) The detectives who let the boy take his cello, even though it is evidence.
12) The Cat Blogosphere who was ready to pitch in if mom needed anything
13) The men in blue who caught the bad boys! (And I mean boys, one of them is only 20 years old. He was out on bail for drug possession and slashing his girlfriend's tires and threatening her with more if she didn't give him back his stuff. Nice!)
Happy Holidays!
There are some wonderful ornaments on your tree! And the 13 things you've listed are great too.
Those are very pretty ornaments you have on your tree! :) Just beautiful. :)
I am glad that the police caught the thieves and most of the stuff that was stolen was recovered!
Roxy, how are you doing? When do you go back to the vet for more bloodwork? I am still purring for you.
My favorite ornament is #7 with the boy.
Those are some wonderful things to be thankful for. I laughed when Monty gave the criminals the Spot #13!
Your Mom's ornaments are treasures!
Mom loved them too. It must give your Mom much joy!
I'm glad you and Lucky were not hurt or stolen too!There are so many great cats in the Blogosphere ,just as there are a great many dogs out there too :) !!
It's funny(sad),the guy threatens his girl about not giving him back his stuff,but he has no problem TAKING other peoples stuff!!
As for his age, well other boys of similar age are way more mature. You can find many of them in Iraq!
Purrs Mickey
Still not cat ornaments? Hmm.
But the twerps deserved the #13-if they need any help convincin' them to talk I can save up a little number for them...
Gorgeous ornaments! I love them all! I'm so glad you have all recovered from the robbery, and I too am thankful that nothing happened to you or Lucky. I would have had to take a drive up to your town and hunt those bad boys down myself if they have laid one grubby hand on either of you! Maybe you two used karate moves you learned from watching Mr. Karate and the Boy to fend off the burglars. That would be a funny site! HIIII-YAH!
Hi girls,
Love your ornaments, and your 13 things today. I am really happy too that things are getting better. I would have headed to your town with Norman to find those bad guys. (I am pretty tough.)
Love Clover xo
I am very happy to be new friends with you. Your Mom has beautiful ornaments on tree. Everything on our tree is speshal too. We are all so glad that the bad guys did not take you and nobody got hurt.
We wish you and your family and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
That is a whole lot to be thankful for!!! The ornaments are bootiful! Oh and my Mom has that same crescent santa...she really likes it too!
Lots of Licks, ruby
Pretty ornaments and lot's to be happy for!
Hooray for a happy ending to a pretty bad few weeks!
Those are some very pretty ornaments. We tried to pick our favorite but couldn't, cause they are all so nice!
Monty's backside says it all!
Those are great ornaments and even better things to be thankful for. I am so glad that your stuff was found! What a great blessing!
Mine mombean sez that one of the best parts of this time of year are seeing all the ornaments again. Each one is a little treasure from years past.
You will have a lot to remember from this year! I hope the crooks have visions on Monty's spot 13 dancing in their head Christmas eve and big poop in their stocking.
furry purrty ornaments! we're very thankful that you're all okay too, and that there was a happy ending. purrrrrrrrrrs!
Phew, I am so thankful the bad guys didn't hurt you or take you two. Some people can be so mean and thoughtless but most people are really good. Dog people especially!
The ornaments are beautiful. I like all of them. I like your list of things to be thankful for, too. I am so glad that you will get all the really important stuff back.
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