This is the weather forecast. The storm is expected to begin with snow falling heavily at times Sunday morning. In the afternoon, sleet, freezing rain and rain will mix in...first starting in southern areas by late morning or midday, then last in northern NH late afternoon to early evening. By evening, the storm could change back to snow showers, leading to a layer of snow on top of ice on top of snow. Any slush will freeze in falling temperatures late Sunday night, possibly affecting the Monday morning commute.
Winds may gust up to 30 to 50 mph at times. Combined with the heavy wet snow and ice, this wind may result in downed trees and powerlines late Sunday afternoon into the night.
The entire state is under a winter storm warning with the potential of 6 inches or more of snowfall.
Mom and dad have done the grocery shopping and have gas for the now blower. As for the rest of the day, I think this is what Lucky and I will be doing.
And some of this.
Yup! That's on my list of things to do.The same storm is heading our way. I'll find a cozy spot near a window and snooze and watch the storm.
Stay safe Roxy,Purrs Mickey
I think we'll be doing the same thing at our house!
You and Lucky can always come back to San francisco!
"California dreamin' (California dreamin')on such a winter's day"
We hope you stay safe - and snuggling looks like the smartest thing to do in that sort of weather!
That storm sounds like a nasty one. We have had a little snow here, but nothing like what you will be getting. Staying inside and snuggling sounds like the best thing to do. I hope Lucky has recovered from eating all that chesse. I hope you are feeling OK, Roxy. I hope your liver enzymes get all straightened out soon.
Thank you for your kind words about my sister-in-law. They helped me tremendously.
Move over, looks comfy!
It sounds like the perfect day for snuggling!
purrfekt! the snow started here at 7pm last night, and we gotted about 5 inches, then the sleet started at about 5am, so it tooked away some of the snow, and the snow started again at 11am, and we is 'posed to get 8-10 inches more by tomorrow morning
I think it is the only thing you can do.
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