Do you remember mom's friend Blondie? And how Blondie had an old cat that went to the Bridge? And how her other cat was sad and crying about it? Well, Blondie contacted the VA Siamese Rescue Center, found a cat she wanted, and filled out all the paperwork. They contacted mom, who wrote a recommendation. Now, mom mentioned that the old cat had gone to the Bridge. Because of this, they called Blondie back and asked her for the names and dates and history of all the cats Blondie has had. She has had three, (I think). They were all indoor cats.
Well, after that, they made Blondie get this $45.00 Blood Test for a disease that indoor cats do NOT get, because they are indoors. All the time! Except when they are in the PTU going to and from the vets. Now, mom thought this was sort of dumb, but she didn't say anything.
Tonight, Blondie emailed mom the following. Mom is pretty dumbstruck. Mom actually wants to email the gentleman in the letter and tell him he is a big fat DOPE. What do you think? (Lost as in went to the Bridge)
The Board of Directors has reviewed your application along with the explanation for two 'lost' cats in your recent past. The Board of Directors have come to the decision to declined your Adoption Application with VA Siamese Rescue Center. You may email The Head Honcho if you wish to have further details of this decision disclosed to you. Your Adoption Application Records will be updated online to reflect this change. I will have your adoption application fee refunded to you. This you should receive credit for this with in 7-14 business days. If for some reason you do not please email me and I will check on this further for you. I would also like to recommend that you look at http://www.petfinder.com/ or other local pet shelters in your area to possibly fill you pet needs. Thank you for applying with Virginia Siamese Cat Rescue Center. Mr. DumbDumb InterviewerVA Siamese Cat Rescue Center.
Can you imagine what they would say to Auntie, if she had wanted to adopt a cat after both Jasmine and Gizzy had gone to the Bridge. Is mom out in left field? Or is this normal. Mom needs to know, because she is pretty steamed.
This sounds very strange, especially since you vouched for your nice friend. I know they have to be picky about who the cats go home with, but we can tell that Blondie is a nice lady.
I think your friend should look elsewhere, although I feels very sorry for the kitty that she had chosen.
I wish I knew what the "lost" cats refers to. Is it the cat who went to the Rainbow Bridge?
Well,Mom is steamed too!!
Yes they need to be careful,but can they guarantee that every home they place a Siamese cat in IS the best home? I do not understand their objection to the previous 2 "lost" cats. It's not like she murdered them!!!!
Then to refer her to petfinder as if "OTHER" cats were more expendable or somehow 'lesser cats' and they don't care what would happen to them!!!!
They need to get their heads out of their a$$!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I am very confused by that letter. People can be so strange. Here is a wonderful person who wants to rescue a cat and the shelter is refusing to let it be loved in a wonderful forever home. I feel very sorry for the kitty that it wound up in that shelter.
m & e
That is the strangest thing I've ever heard. If it were me, I'd sure want to find out why I was rejected. Then, depending on the answer, I'd fight it.
I say they need a package left on their pillow...
...I just don't understand some rescues. I do think they have the animals best interests in mind...but sometimes they go a little (or a lot) over the top. It's sad for people and for the animals. The #1 goal should always be to get the animals into the best home possible - not to be as uptight and condescending as possible.
I'm very sorry it didn't work out - I would contest it and have a little chat with Mr. Dumb Dumb...
You mean if you have ever owned a cat that died you can not adopt from this shelter? That is what it sounds like to me.
The sad thing is is that if she mentions this to other shelters they will often think they have overlooked something and then decide they won't adopt to her either. I had this happen to a friend. She was treated like a pariah when she is actually a wonderfully caring owner (if a bit over involved with her pets) and had to find a dog (after having a dog die of old age--and trust me she asked vets about dialysis and didn't understand why she couldn't do that for her dog in renal failure) through a private breeder because she was considered "unfit".
We're steamed on Blondie's behalf, too! What an ignoramus! That "head honcho" needs his head examined if he can't figure out what "lost" means from the context of Blondie's application ... An' chargin' her extra money for a blood test that isn't even needed.
We sincerely hope that Blondie is able to adopt a Meezer from someone wiser than the idiot runnin' that Siamese Rescue Center.
That's just insulting ... I want to give Blondie a hug!
Yeah, I agree with Luxor, its insulting! I would want to know just why they thought I was 'unfit' to adopt from them. I'd also want to talk to Head Honcho and demand, not ask, demand that they reimburse me for the vet test that they required.
I'd also let them know that I intend to let everyone I know that they are a crappy place to try to adopt from! I know that mine mombean will tell anyone she knows who are thinking about adopting from them this story.
The kitty that came before went to the bridge because of renal failure at the age of 18.5 ... Would that mean that mine mombean might not be good enough for them?
What horrible people!
this reminds mama when she went to dopt after kalya passed on becuse she had gone to the bridge from FIP most place did not want to dop to her even though she had a writen letter stating the dr form of FIP was not contaous and Mu shue had tested negitive. WEll you know what tell blondy not to give up hope becuse when she lest expect it another cat will come thats how we got Miss Lilly Lu her self and we never been more thankful for Lilly
We agree with Monty Q and Mickey. And there seems to be an agreement of opinion here. The head honcho has his head where it doesn't belong.
Do you suppose someone forgot to tell him every cat is lost eventually? No matter how good the care you give it.
purrs and tail wags
This is absolutely crazy. These poor kitties need good homes, and I'm sure Blondie would provide the best home a kitty could want!
Roxy, tell your mom we don't think this rescue center is normal at all. Most places are glad to find good homes for the cats - in this case - in their care. We took the trouble to look up their website. We see that some of those cats have been there for months and months... we feel bad for Blondie and also for the cats that seem to be stuck in that place for reasons that are 'obscure'.
Mindy & MOe
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