In fact, mom woke up to a thunderstorm at 6:40 am. She wasn't quite expecting that.
I am going to Tattle the answers to all the questions people have asked mom, Lucky or me. Then I will tell you something funny about Lucky.
1) Howard Pee Pugpants wanted to know if Lucky gets to eat cookies in bed. I assume by bed you mean PlusOne's bed, Howard, and the answer to that is NO. Mom does not let us eat our treats in the sleeping beds. No crumbs allowed, she says.
2) Emmitt wanted to know if mom's Asian quilt is done yet. The answer is no. Mom has to put the backing on it. She has something else she has to finish first, before she can tie that quilt.
3) Manicote asked about the police, because mom made a comment about the camera still being in police custody. The full story is here, but the short story is that we were broken into the week before Christmas and the camera was stolen. The police recovered almost 95% of the things stolen, but until the defendants either plead guilty (2 of them did) or go to trial (2 of them won't plead) mom can't get her things back. Including her engagement ring.
4) Frances Louise wanted to know how I came to be with mom, and did mom ever own any other kind of dog. Mom has owned only pugs. We are the second set of two pugs mom has had. The story of us begins here and goes on for three days. Here is the short version.
The pugs who came before, Muffie and Bridget were old and after Bridget went to the Bridge (at 15-1/2 yrs old) in August of 2003, mom was depressed and found Lucky through memere. Lucky was a sweet puggy puppy, but mom soon realized that a 16 year old pug was no fit companion for a puppy, so that's when I joined the family, to be Lucky's sister and playmate.
5)Ladypug Mugs asked the next question about karate. Mr. Karate is mom's nephew. Mom's older sister's son. Mom's older sister is Darling Millie's mom. Memere (mom's mom) is Studio Jeanne. Mr. Karate started his karate training around 13 years old. PlusOne started when he was 4-1/2 yrs old. When asked by the Studio Owner why he wanted to take karate, PlusOne said he wanted to be just like Mr. Karate. The Studio Owner was satisfied with that and PlusOne joined the classes. (PlusOne is now 11 yrs old.)
Mom started a year and a half later, on a Mother's Day promotion. (Free karate for moms for a month.) Mom had always wanted to do karate, ever since she was 16 years old. But when she started a trial period, she smashed her knee into the metal edge of a cement step and that ended that. (Among other things.) They all do Kenpo Karate, in the tradition of Ed Parker.
Mom thinks it's really cool that Rachel's (LadyPug Mug) mom trained with Chuck Norris. When she heard that, mom told her instructor. He was as curious as mom as to how that turned out. Was Chuck a good teacher and all the scoop, because the Studio Owner often talks about Chuck Norris and how he says as long as you learned something then you didn't really fail. (e.g. tournaments, fights, etc) Of course, the Chuck Norris jokes - tears curing blindness, etc - are all the rage at the studio.
And almost lastly, someone, (I am sorry, forgot who) asked if I sang, and I said no, I didn't sing. But I changed my mind and howled a storm for mom this morning, so she says she will have to see if she can videotape it and show it to all of you. Of course, since we have the old camera, it will be a really short video.
And lastly, here's the dirt on Lucky. Whenever she sleeps with us, she wakes mom up in the morning by licking her face. Now, Lucky is very methodical about this. She starts at the eye socket, goes down the nose, across the cheek, up the nose (unless mom gets her finger up it first) across her chin and then over to the ear where she starts chewing on mom's hair. But only if mom's had a perm. (Which she just did.) So of course, Lucky started chewing on the hair. Now, Lucky DOES NOT do this to PlusOne, just mom. And only when she sleeps in bed with us all night. Isn't that funny?
I just love reading about Lucky's quirky ways. :) That's my girl!
It is sad that your mom can't have her engagement ring back yet. :(
Too funny about the way Lucky wakes your mom up! I wake my dad up by gently tapping him on the face with my paw. If that doesn't wake him, I get close to his face and breathe on him - Dragonheart
I had no idea that you'd been broken into! That's horrible! Were you away on vacation!?
Thanks for answering our questions! My mom would work with Chuck every so often when he would come in to town to check on his studios (Church Norris Studio, Norfolk, VA - it's still there today, he just doesn't drop by as often....)This was in the 70's. Mom thought he was great - she had polio when she was 3 years old and her right arm is paralyzed from the shoulder to the elbow, so he would work with her on ways to get around that. She did mostly style-type competitions, rather than hard core sparring, and she has lots and lots of trophies in the attic. I think he was a very encouraging teacher, even though he wasn't her regular one, he helped her find ways to achieve a black belt without being able to move her right arm - so that's pretty amazing!
Thanks again!
Your mom must have very delicious-tasting hair!
Lucky just has great taste! I do a lot of that to my mommy, and I'm a kitty . . . add biting the nosie to the chewing the hair, and you've got me!
I was wonderin' if all of that pre-Christmas stuff had been solved/ended, yet ... I wish that your momma could have her ring an' camera back from the police guys.
Dear Roxy - Howard Pee Pugpants was impressed by all the tattling, and wonders if you worked up an appetite for more cookies after all that reporting.
Howie's secretary
What a great post! I love all of the questions and answers. I know I keep saying this, but you are the coolest pugs and people ever!
melissa and emmitt
We loved this post but we don't like hearing you had all that stuff stolen. We're so sorry especially about the engagement ring.
We don't like storms. Sleeping is exactly the right thing to do except we can't sleep with big thunder boomers.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Lucky, you ARE funny! My mom had a Pekingese many years ago that left boogers on said that there was a "ring around the house" that she constantly had to clean you or Roxy wipe your faces on things?
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