Today is Lucky's birthday. She is five years old. In honor of her birthday, I will show only cute Lucky photos. (Like she's not always cute.)

This is the night we got her. You can tell PlusOne loved her from the first.

Oh yeah, she's HIS dog. Or rather, he's HER boy.

Meanwhile Lucky is saying she wishes she weren't loved so much! Ha Ha!

This is one of mom's favorite photos of the two of them.

Lucky's new coat. She really wasn't sure what to make of it.

She has always slept in weird ways.

And she's always looked cute sleeping.

Even when mom was worried she would fall off the recliner.

Here she is with Muffie, the pug who came before. Muffie was 16 years old in this photo.

Lucky always tried to comfort Muffie, who had lost her sister several months earlier.

Lucky trying to figure out the directions. (I told you she was blonde, didn't I?)

Sleeping with PlusOne. Her favorite thing to do.

Doesn't she look like she's going to fall off the sofa?

Mom was worried about her. But I knew she'd be fine.

And lastly, an "Awwwwwwwwwwww!" photo for all of you.
I know I pick on Lucky, but I wouldn't want anyone else for a sister. Happy Birthday Lucky!
HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!<3
Have a really happy day. You already have a happy home :)
I am so happy that I can call you my friend.!!
I hope you get totally spoiled;)
Purrs Mickey
Omigoodness, I almost fell over from so many pictures of my loved 1! She is so lovely.
Lucky, my dear, I'm sending you bushels and bushels of love on your birthday. Have a happy one!!!
Yr guy,
Happy Fifth Birthday, Lucky! Have an absolutely wonderful day. I count myself lucky to have you for a friend. {{{hugs}}}
Happy "Day we Met" Anniversary to your Mom & Dad Roxy ;) !!!!
Purrs Mickey
Happy Barkday Lucky!! Thanks for sharing all those cute photos of her, Roxy. :)
Hope you get to celebrate all weekend!
Love Clover xo
Happy b'day Lucky!!!!! (Sorry about the upside down candles.) And thank you Roxie for sharing these lovely photos. Lucky is fortunate to have you as her sister.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCKY! You look SO CUTE in all of those pics!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCKY! :) Those are some completely adorable photos. Seriously, love them. And you can definately see the love between Lucky and PlusOne.
Happy Birthday, Lucky! We share a day - this is my adoption day anniversary !!!!!
Snorts and kisses,
Harry Pugalicious
Happy Birthday Lucky!!
And you are pretty cute yourself Roxy! (Gus sleeps in weird spots too)
Happy B Day Lucky!
Happy birthday to Lucky!! You're such a cute little puggy. I hope you get lots of extra treats today!!
happy birthday lucky!
i love alllll of your pictures! they made me smile from ear to ear!
you are a wonderful puggy!
all our love!
m & e
Happy Birthday, Lucky!
Happy happy happy birthday, Lucky!
Happy Birthday LUCKY!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Lucky!! Hope you are having a fabulous weekend. We love the pictures of you and Plus one as wee-bits. So adorable. And so sweet about you and Muffie...
Happy Birthday, Lucky, even if we're a bit late wif da wishes. We also like you mom's favorite photo of The Boy and you. We enjoyed all the photos, they're great.
Mindy & Moe
Happy belated birthday, Lucky! You look so cute in those pics! Even fawns can be cute, that's for sure!
Sweetest Lucky - Happy Birthday!!! We are soooo sorry we missed it - but we will still have a niptini toast to you! You are the cutest, I bet Luxor just melted away when he saw these pictures?
Yep - I checked, hohohohoh - falling over is a good one too!
Mrs. OZ and Tintin
(Karl is coming home from safari next week, FINALLY!)
Happy Birthday, Lucky! You are fortunate to have such a terrific fambly who all love you so very much.
I'm so glad your mom posted all those photos of you, Lucky. One can never get enough Smoosh Face..But I think I may get by for a while on today's pictures. You're such a pretty girl and PlusOne is such a good boy for you! Don't you think he's becoming all arms and legs? Or maybe he's always been and I'm just seeing it in these pictures. He's gonna need some extra heating this winter, 'cause there's more of him to heat!
Happy Birthday, Lucky!
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