Today is my One Year Blogoversary. It is hard to believe that a year ago today I posted my first blog. About Little Miss Perfect swimming.

Millie announced my arrival to the blogosphere with this post. She said we "have pushed in noses" and that we "snort and grunt." I beg to differ we do NOT snort or grunt. She also said we were "funny looking." Look who's talking.
Anyway, we have done a lot in a year. We've made lots and lots of new friends, just look at our friends list. There are more Pug blogs every day. Lucky got herself a boyfriend,

and we went on a Road Trip for True Love. We've been robbed (that wasn't fun) and I ate too many chocolate chip cookies and got real sick. I had to have an ultrasound, and they shave fur off of me (can you imagine!)
We got to see Mr. Karate and PlusOne play their cellos at a recital.
We had more snow than Carter has pills and PlusOne got his black belt.
I got a new nickname, Little Miss Table Dancer (thank you Diva Kitty!)
We discovered I love broccoli, but I will eat anything that isn't nailed down.
And last, but not least, I have a secret admirer, who is in love with me, but afraid to tell me for fear of rejection. Never fear, I say. Though I do wonder how old he is, and if anyone will think I am robbing the cradle. I don't want anyone thinking of me as a cougar.
That is quite a year. I wonder what the next year will bring.
Happy Blogovesary! :) We are very glad that you started blogging - you and Lucky are two of the nicest woofies we have met. :) Here's to many more years of blogging!
Happy Blogoversary!!!!! We love reading about your happenings and mom is laughing that you used the "Carter has pills" line because she uses it all the time too!!! HAHAHHAA!
Happy Blogoversary! It has been a very crazy year!
ps: Eduardo is very handsome.
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!! I can't believe it's been a year either! I celebrate mine on Sunday. All I know is I have had fun and met some really cool cats and you!!
I am so happy to know you and learn about your family. It has been a super year and I hope you have tons more!!!!
Are you celebrating with broccoli? heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Happy Blogiversary! It's been fun reading your blog!
Happy Blogoversary!!!!! Congratulations and we love hearing about Roxy, Lucky, PlusOne, Mr.Karate (especially when he's shirtless) and everything else. Glad you're apart of my world that I've met from blogging!!!
Happy Blogoversary y'all!!
~Meeko & Kiara
Happy Blogoversary! Keep up the fun!!
I hope your blogaversary is filled with good times and lotsa treats!
Is Lucky's main squeeze an Oriental Shorthair?
My mom use to have a black OS!
Concatulashuns on yur blogaversary! Oh an donna lysen ta Mille, I fink yoo arr bof furry furry cyoot. Well, fur woofies anaway. An Mommie agrees wif Nevis bowt da shirtless Mr. Karate pyctoors an da PlusOne stories. Yoo guys tell gwate stories. An acorse Roxy iz da coolest table danser we haz efur seen. We luk forwards ta all da fun stuffs yoo will do in da next yeer.
Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more!!
Happy Blogoversary, Roxy and Lucky!
If you ever need a go-between for liaisons with your secret admirer, give me a howl. I'm super-stealthy with cat-like speed and reflexes.
Happy Blogoversary!!!!
Happy Blogaversary! we love reading your blog every morning!!Keep it up!
Happy Blogoversary! You may want to read my latest blog...I am a young dog but Roxy! Age is just a number!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Happy Blogoversary!
I love to see what other puggies are up to!
Roxy, we went to Eduardo's bloggie to see - and he's really nice!!!!
No one will think you're a cougar - bof our girlfriendcats are older than we is and we loves it that way!!!!
Happy One-Year-Blogoversary! We are glad that we met you and look forward to following your blogs in the coming year! PS YEAHHHHHHH about broccoli! Bookers loves tomatoes and lettuce too!
I'm not sure Little Miss Table Dancer... but I bet it will be another fabulous year!
Come on by our blog... you won an award! :)
hi roxy!
haapy blog birthday! we love reading about all of your family's adventures and enjoy coming to see you everyday!
our day just wouldn't be the same without ya!
what a great post!
m & e
Happy Blogaversary to you!
Jemima Jones Beck
Happy Blogversary! Time flies when you are having fun!
Gosh, please accept my late congratulations on your first blogoversary! I am Sooooo happy I met Lucky!
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