Yes, we know they are x-rated, but we think you will all agree that it is just the sort of thing you need to see to make you laugh on a Monday.
Because today is her birthday, mom spent a nice, quiet, relaxing day with Mr. Karate... putting up four sheets of sheet rock. On the ceiling. They rented this really neat thing from Home Depot that you put the sheet rock on, then cranked up into position then drilled in all the screws. For a piece of 4' x 10' x 1/2" sheet rock, which is very heavy, it was just the thing. It cost $22.00 for four hours.
They have two more pieces to go, but they haven't put the insulation up, taken the other piece of sheet rock down, moved the swing, the bookcases, the stuff etc etc. And it was really hot and mom was getting tired.
Mom is renovated the ugly back porch into a sewing area. Her knees get tired from being on them to do quilting, so she decided to clean the back porch and use that area. It is a three season porch, but mom figures if she replaces the yukky insulation with better insulation, and fixes it up, all she will need is a space heater and she will be good to go. (She hopes.)
The farmer's almanac is saying it is supposed to be a really COLD winter, so mom wants to see if she can get some lap robes made (to keep people warm without going broke over their heating bills). Mom certainly needs one, what with PlusOne growing and growing.
Happy Birthday Mom!
I guess every family has "those kind" of pictures they love to use to torment us.
Hope you have a very Happy Birthday and perhaps actually relax a bit.
Why happy happy birthday!!!!
Nice scuba gear ;0)
We love those pictures! Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday to Mom!
Jemima Jones Beck
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and get some relaxing in.
Where's the one when you climbed out of your crib and were sleeping on the floor with all the blankets? ;-0
love you,
That is a great way to celebrate her birthday. She is giving herself a new room,heehee
Mom knows what it's like to do a lot of cutting material on the floor! I was not the most helpful cat.I could not help myself,that material looked so good to play on!!!!
Your Mom is a really good handybean!
Mom just groaned at the COLD winter part!
Purrs Mickey
we LOVE the scuba gear
Happy Birthday to you Auntie Karate!!
sandpaper kisses
Kasim, Othello and Salome
Happy B'day to Roxy's Mom!!! May your day be filled with love and laughter.
Such a crafty DIY family, Roxy! Which is why you are going to rock this week's PDW competition - I can feel it.
I am very excited about your mom having her own sewing area. Having a "room of one's own" for creativity and craft is very important for some people and I hope it meets all her expectations! I can't wait to see the lap robes.
and p.s. - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
happy birthday to your mom roxy!
i love that she is renovating the new space herself! i would not even know where to start! where did she learn to do that and be an electrician too?
i am so impressed!
have a wonderful birthday!
m & e
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one.
Happy, Happy, Happy BIRTHDAY!!! And I have to think...when I saw the holes in your ceiling, the first thing I thought of was..."CEILING CAT"!!! **laughing** Hope you get lots of gifts!
Those are very cute pictures.
My mommy has some in her Wonder Woman undies when she was about 4 . . . complete with her magnificent Wonder Woman poses. Highly embarrassing stuff when she was younger. Grandmama LOVES those pictures.
Happy Birthday from Chance, Shadow, and Nelle (Mommie)!
Hah! That first picture...I thought it was a drunken sailor! Look at that Aunt Marie belleh! Oh, yeah! Hey, isn't "Drunken Sailor" some kind of martial arts move? Hah! You were destined for the dojo!
I hope you have a terrific birthday and that you get lots of puggy kisses and snorts, too. I blow you a kitty-kiss! Mwch-ho!o
Happy Birthday to Roxy's mom!! Don't work too hard!
Atleast they wren't bathtub pictures!
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday to your mom! I hope she has an extra-special day filled with cake and treats and hugs and kisses.
Happy Birthday to your Mom, Auntie Karate! Hope her day was great and she got all she wished for! The pictures were so cute!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Birthday Mom person!
I'm back!
Happy Birthday!
And let me tell you, you know how to celebrate! Dad did sheetrock when he finished the basement-- NOT FUN.
Oh, and he tells me that he didn't have one of those nifty things. He just used something called a "deadman brace", which I think (if I've got my human-speak down) means that he killed a guy and used his body to prop up the drywall.
But wait, that doesn't make any sense... Now I'm just confused.
Hello Beautiful!
I'm glad everyone likes the video! Tell your Mommy I said Happy Birthday! If she gets it good & insulated she should be warm...I guess I don't know anything about that stuff! Roxy, I didn't understand the last part of your comment. Let me know what you meant pretty girl.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Happy Birthday, Auntie Karate!
Happy Birthday Mom! She is twins with our Gramma! Today is Gramma's B-day too!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Happy Birthday!
We love the photos. They made us laugh.
Putting up sheet rock for your birthday doesn't sound too fun, but then what do puggies know? Humans do the craziest things and LIKE doing those things.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Pug Hugs~
Sequoia $ Petunia
Happy happy happy birthday to your mom!!!
Roxy an' Lucky ... Please tell your momma that we featured her today on our bloggie in honor of her birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Mom! Don't work to hard! xoxo Stacey, Sydney , Abby and Cush
Happy Happy Purrfday to you!
Luf, Us
Happy Purrthday Auntie Karate.
the Hotties
Happy Birthday Auntie Karate. We hope you had a great one.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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