Today is NOMS Day, where we celebrate our Not Of Our Species friends. Lucky and I have several NOMS friends. Our first one was Mickey. Mickey lives with his sisters Georgia and Tillie in Nova Scotia, Canada. Mickey was one of the first commenters on our blog and he started his blog around the same time as we did.

Mickey loves grass as much as I love broccoli, except he gets his mother to feed it to him one blade at a time. Mom feeds me one piece of broccoli at a time, except that it is not quite the same thing.

Here's Mickey's sister Tillie (Mom loves this photo).

And here is Georgia.

Mickey also has a sweetheart by the name of Miss Peach, and he has great Thursday Thirteens.

Two other NOMS friends are Moe and Mindy, of Team Tabby. They are taking a break right now, but they are a really fun pair of kitties. Mom says if she was not allergic to cats, she would have one like Mindy.

Moe also told me where the fields of Broccoli are. Isn't he a great NOMS!

The last NOMS friend I will tell you about, but certainly not the least, is Beezer. Beezer lives in sunny San Francisco, CA and is a gorgeous ginger. Beezer wrote a wonderful post about Lucky and me, so I hope mine is just as nice.
Beezer has a nap blankie just like PlusOne. It is very colorful, too. He loves to sleep in the sun and eat his greens. In this case, grass, but still green. No wonder we are friends.
If Beezer ever comes to New Hampshire, he has promised to teach me how to jump down from the kitchen table. I think I really need your lessons, Beezer.
As for Millie, it's her two year Gotchya Anniversary, so why don't you go over and say congrats!
Hi Roxy & Lucky!!!!!
Happy NOMS Day :) I am very happy that you are my friends! I think Moe & Mindy would be too :)
You have a bunch of really cool cats,especially Luxor ;) teehee
Purrs Mickey
look at all the pretty kitties!
you have so many nice friends roxy!
m & e
Happy NOMS Day...and what lovely pictures....however my fav is the one with Mikey holding the tray of grass. HA HA HA!
AND the buns!
Happy NOMS Day! It is wonderful to be friends with dogs and hamsters and bunnies and goats and all species!
Oh we just love kitties, thanks for sharing your NOMS friends. What a great idea Roxy the Kind and Well Behaved Puggy!
That sure is a lot of kitties!
Happy NOMS Day!
::Clap, Clap, Clap::
Happy NOMS Day!!
You are really great pals. Your post is wonderful, you have lots of friends. I'm glad that I'm one.
::Clap, Clap, Clap::
Happy NOMS Day!!
You are really great pals. Your post is wonderful, you have lots of friends. I'm glad that I'm one.
Wow, you've got *lots of NOMS friends! I'm so glad I'm (more than) one of them! :)
You are terrific NOMS friends, Roxy and Lucky. :) You are both wonderful woofies, and we are glad to call you friends. :)
Happy Noms Day! You guys could be spokesdogs for noms day, with so many wonderful nomss friends that you have!!!
This was a very wonderful Noms Day Post!
Mrs. OZ
Rats, we missed NOMs Day, but we are very honored you count us as one of your special friends. We certainly consider you and Lucky as our best friends. You make us laugh a lot too - thanks a bunch.
Mindy & Moe
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