Dragonheart is coming in from Germany, Team Tabby say they'll meet us here in New Hampster, Tillie and Georgia will join us from Nova Scotia and then it's off to grab Millie. From there we head to the Meezers in New York, Parker in O-i-o, Monty Q in Maryland, and then down to Parkland, FL for Daisy then off to NM unless there is someone else wanting to join in.
We have to do our trick or treating, visiting the other pugs in Halloween costumes at the Pug Meet-Up, and help mom give out candy, so we will be leaving at 9:00 pm sharp, Sunday night. That is when the boy should be asleep in bed. Hmm, better make it 10:00 pm. Millie, be ready for us.

The first leg of our trip will be 419 miles and take 7 hours. We will see you Meezers at 5:00 am sharp! Be prepared! Have breakfast ready for us.

The second part will be 473 miles and take 8 hours. We should see Parker between 1:00 and 2:00 o'clock. We will count on you for lunch, Parker.

The third part of our journey will be 363 miles and take 6 hours. Monty, we are going to stop for dinner before we get to you, so we will see you around 9:00 pm, Monday evening.

The fourth part will be 1070 miles and take 16 hours. Dear Daisy, we will be stopping for breakfast and lunch so we should see you Tuesday, around 2:00 - 3:00 pm.

The last, and longest part will be 1947 miles and take 28 hours. By this calculation, and with rotating animals in charge of driving, I estimate we will arrive at our destination on Wednesday sometime after 7:00 o'clock.
Please be on the lookout for us Luxor. You probably won't be able to miss this motley crew.
Luxor, I am coming!
It's a good thing one of us is organized. Prepare everyone! Road Trip Awaaaaaayyyyyy!
WOO HOOO! we will haf breakfest ready for efurryone!!
This is soooooo exciting! I am going to go start planning a special breakfast and lunch.
I'll be ready! I'll have snacks for everybody, and extra pillows and blankies for those cats and dogs to keep warm and nap on during our long nighttime drive.
And I'll be sure to have my Red Sox cap!
Maybe there are some Texcats who'd like to come along? Missy, KC?
This is turning into quite a trip. I hope all of you have a blast!
I got your Mom's e-mail. I will be writing to her later tonight.
Wow what a trip! I guess it's too far away to hop up and visit us in San Francisco. This is the best time to visit and oyster season has started!
Wow, what an adventure. Have fun! FAZ
p.s. I know I am a cat and you are a dog but I do think you are very cute
You know, it's going to be really hard waiting while you all have wild adventures and *get to drive!!!
Lucky, I can't wait to see you! Stay safe while you're driving across that map.
Too excited for words,
It looks like it's going to be a great road trip! I have my plane ticket and will be flying over the Atlantic shortly!
Good luck on your roadtrip!
Will you make it back before the boy knows you are all gone?
Yes, we are expecting you all at 8 am Wednesday (Halloween) and we have a fabulous fresh seafood breakfast right on the gulf coast. we've just got to be careful, those tricky Mites really, really want to stow away... who knows what they'll do to come along?
ML (Mary Lynn)
Hey, All. I'd like to invite the whole passle of ye to stop by my spread here in Lubbock, TX on your way through! I'll cook up some prime eatin' and show ya around the place..what'dya say?
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