Mom found this on one of the other Pug Blogs, I am So Excited...To Be A Pug. So she thought she would try it. You can try it if you want. It's pretty funny.
YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (favorite stuffie + tail characteristic)
Dolphin Curly
YOUR GANGSTER NAME: (favorite kong-filler + favorite cookie)
Peanut Butter Eukanuba Treat
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color + favorite animal species)
Red Pug
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name + first 2 letters of your first name) Peb-Ro
SUPERHERO NAME: (“The” + 2nd favorite color + favorite drink)
The Red Ginger Ale
NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Leopold Albert
STRIPPER NAME: (your favorite scent + favorite treat)
Popcorn Snausages
WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names)
Irene Thomas
SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday + favorite flower)
Fall Christmas Lily
CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit + article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Apple Tee Shirty
HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast + your favorite plant)
Raspberry Smoothie Iris
YOUR ROCK STAR TOUR NAME: (“The” + Your favorite hobby + favorite weather element + “Tour”) The Kenpo Thunderstorm Tour
Oh, and thanks to everyone who is visting Memere's blog, Studio Jeanne. She is really excited that people are reading it. Mom is very proud of her.
That looks like a fun game! I might have to give it a go ;)
Mom's favorite flower is an Iris too!
I like yer Gramma's blog.She is a good painter.You should see Mom paint Hahahahahahaha!And that's just the walls! Heeheehee
Popcorn Snausages!!
That name really fits you.
I'd be Tuna Temptations.
That's a fun meme. I also like Popcorn Snausages as a name for you.
What a fun meme! :) I like your Superhero name and your Hippie name. :)
Popcorn Snausages!
You randy little Pug! ;D
So cute.
Hi, this is so good, I love your photos of Roxy. Remind me to tell you about petfinder/holloween you can submit a picture of your pet in a costume. I can see Roxy in his prison outfit. Love
Popcorn snausages, bwahahaha! So funny! I bet you'd make tons of tips with a name like that ;)
BTW, I love those pics of the two of you from Wed. with your boy. Joey and I love sleeping with our girls, too.
Puggy kisses
hi there devil dog!
I notice that our nascar names are fairly similar - cool!
Jemima Jones Beck
My sister-in-law liked Lucky's visit very much. They had lots of things to take care of yesterday and my sister-in-law was feeling kind of tired when she got home. She sat down in her favorite chair and Lucky was waiting for her. Lucky hoped right up into her lap, licked her chin, cheek and nose, then settled down in her lap. My sister-in-law petted her, then fell asleep. They both took a nice nap, but Lucky had gone home when my sister-in-law woke up. She felt very calm and refreshed.
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